Deadlock CoachDeadlock Coach

Deadlock: The MOBA Shooter from Valve on Steam

Deadlock is a new multiplayer 6-on-6 hero shooter and MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) game developed and published by Valve. It combines elements of TPS (third-person shooter) and MOBA genres, offering a unique gameplay experience.


Players are grouped into two team and control powerful heroes. Destroying enemy defenses reveals their "Patron," a powerful magic golem that must be defeated to win.


The game has not yet been released and is still under development. Access on Steam is currently limited to friend invites via Valve’s playtesters.

Game history

Deadlock has been in playtesting since 2023, and players with access can invite their friends using Steam’s playtesting functionality. The game was officially unveiled by Valve on August 23, 2024. The game is known internally as "Project 8" and formerly "Citadel".

External links

Deadlock on Steam

Official Discord Server

(Invite needs to be generated in the game)

Official Deadlock Forum

(Account can be created in the game)