Hera conta com artimanhas disruptivas para desacelerar e atordoar inimigos. Ela é mais eficaz junta de um aliado, fortalecendo as armas de ambos e compartilhando curas.
Hera conta com artimanhas disruptivas para desacelerar e atordoar inimigos. Ela é mais eficaz junta de um aliado, fortalecendo as armas de ambos e compartilhando curas.
UPDATED 2/18 Read item annotations if curious about when to buy what.
Quintessential support build with mass utility, healing, and damage.
Use your health advantage to win trades and secure souls
Use with beam for trading and bullying enemies away from your wave
Lets you stand in front in lane securing souls and taking trades
Makes you or your duo unkillable early on, and makes icepath ganks super quick
Lets you leverage health to push much harder
For spell spammer (geist, viscous)
For healers
To counter m1 heros (haze, wraith, infernus)
For escapers
For running around
Sell infuser nova and barrier when you need active slots
Lets you push and kill people in dome, always use it immediately after ulting
Gives you much more control over fights
Adds a lot more damage to your kit
Lets you save people, can be bought earlier against lots of catch
Imbue ult
Counters all the nasty things that get applied to you
Imbue ult
Imbue ult
Nothing replaces refresher
For securing mid or countering dynamo ults
To counter bebop/holiday/paradox combos
To counter the server admin
To counter chainstun/combos
For heavy gun burst
For fliers
To counter m1 carries
To counter m1 carries that are really fast
For healers
Granada Congelante
Caminho de Gelo
Feixe Ártico
Abrigo Gélido