Ivy dysponuje sztuczkami zakłócającymi walkę, które spowalniają i ogłuszają wrogów. Jest najskuteczniejsza, gdy połączy siły z sojusznikiem, dzięki czemu współdzielą leczenie, a ich broń zostaje wzmocniona.
Ivy dysponuje sztuczkami zakłócającymi walkę, które spowalniają i ogłuszają wrogów. Jest najskuteczniejsza, gdy połączy siły z sojusznikiem, dzięki czemu współdzielą leczenie, a ich broń zostaje wzmocniona.
heavily based on CATGIRL's classic build, with some tweaks based on recent meta changes and experimentation i've been doing. i'm still high archon, trying to climb higher but this is the general order that i've found most consistent for helping my team win games, especially from behind. always looking for new things to tweak and try out, pretty active in the #ivy channel in the main deadlock server. feel free to mention me @kyleren there with questions about the build or whatever
generally left to right. i usually buy nova when rite on cd and rescue in queue
usually its my teammates who need this but it can be helpful to have ready for self cast as well
regen weapon damage and flight speed whats not to love
beeg kudzu
i will often buy this while rescue beam is sitting in the queue. very solid for keeping team alive - use with tether
left to right again. sell monster rounds when you run out of space
still pretty core to the kudzu build, and can be turned into EE if your team is really struggling for flexes
one of the better ways to make your gun useful when kudzumaxxing
fly that urn!
buy these asap, left to right
this is pretty key, especially in the current very healy meta
this item is great. almost doubles your effectiveness
sell monster rounds then basic mag
not essential. decent if you are in a hellish no flex slots game
left to right again generally
here if you want em
helps against infernus, mo and krill, pocket, and other debuff-based heroes
stoneform makes this less essential versus a lot of heroes
vindicta meta is unpleasant
counters lash ult
heavily based on CATGIRL's classic build, with some tweaks based on recent meta changes and experimentation i've been doing. i'm still high archon, trying to climb higher but this is the general order that i've found most consistent for helping my team win games, especially from behind. always looking for new things to tweak and try out, pretty active in the #ivy channel in the main deadlock server. feel free to mention me @kyleren there with questions about the build or whatever
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