Mirage peut s'envelopper dans une tornade destructrice pour rattraper ses adversaires et les envoyer dans les airs. Grâce à ses scarabées, il se maintient en vie au cœur de la mêlée, et il peut facilement aider un compère ou malmener une unité ennemie où qu'il se trouve.
Mirage peut s'envelopper dans une tornade destructrice pour rattraper ses adversaires et les envoyer dans les airs. Grâce à ses scarabées, il se maintient en vie au cœur de la mêlée, et il peut facilement aider un compère ou malmener une unité ennemie où qu'il se trouve.
Have a good week.
This is the Bombdox build I've been running as of late. More orientated around gun early as it provides her a lot of general/safer value than melee. Pretty easy to follow from left to right and hopefully easier to play in comparison to my previous. Hope you all like it and if there's a need for reference, my youtube and twitch are my user. Look forward to the Bombdox guide soon.
Upgrades into your core sustain. (Fortitude)
Amazing Early DMG with Carbine + Nade + L.Melee
Sell immediately when flex locked.
Amazing early, upgrades into Pristine if necessary.
Rush after 2 tier 2s. Helps you gank, split push, clear camps, etc.
Increases your poke DMG incredibly. 1st or 2nd tier 2.
Strong into early spirit armor/resist buys.
Buy early depending on comp/items: Infernus, Abrams, Geist, etc.
Your main sustain. Amazing stats and allows you to re-engage fights.
Party Time. Either rush this after Alch or get it before/after 4 tier 2s
Big Bomb = Scarier Bombs Gives ULT some range.
The threat of your bombs increases significantly. Allows you to command team/objective fights.
Weakest general upgrade. Unnecessary if CDs are managed well.
Probably the best Vitality item in the game. Gives us insane HP, Resistances, and slows for more Alch Fire and grenade ticks.
Anti-Fliers, guarentees carbines and allows easier nade scenarios.
Prevents you from being bursted in your nades and gives you time on riskier swaps.
[Carbine + SG] or [Swap + SG] have amazing synergy. Answers Yamato, Geist, and Vicious.
Amazing benefits, good HP gain, and a lot of Weapon DMG.
Grenade à impulsion
Écran temporel
Carabine cinétique
Permutation paradoxale