Vindicta tiene la movilidad necesaria para atacar a su antojo, torturando a sus presas y haciéndolas sangrar lentamente. Los enemigos heridos a cualquier distancia deberían tener miedo de ser eliminados cuando ella está en el mapa.
Vindicta tiene la movilidad necesaria para atacar a su antojo, torturando a sus presas y haciéndolas sangrar lentamente. Los enemigos heridos a cualquier distancia deberían tener miedo de ser eliminados cuando ella está en el mapa.
Best Sinclair Build made by the one and only hesy (me), HesykhiaDL on twitch and youtube, every rank 100+ games tested, best build for magician in the game trust me
Left to right, can force enchanters barrier or SSB if you're winning hard, if not go resto
sell when u need a slot for a better item
sell when you think it makes sense to sell
sell whenever, mystic shot is much better, but if u dont need a slot yet can just keep
can sell for a slot, or upgrade to pristine, up to you
sell for debuff reducer/remover when you feel its applicable
sell for a spirit slot once ur done farming, probably by the time u get ur first or second 6k or need a flex slot
sell when u feel its worth to sell
is resto not up? you need healing before resto? you lost too much health early? buy this!!!!!
Left to right - your assistant is your friend use it always
best farming tool(next to cold front), high amounts of damage at enemies
your best friend
Imbue Assistant
Imbue Assistant
if i am winning lane hard like early 1250 i like to go this instead of enchanters early
overall good items
does what it says, good for sinclairs kit, but it doesnt help you do more damage, so go whenever
sinclair is really good at getting out and staying alive, this makes sure u dont gotta back to base
for the love of god please buy this, every character has so much healing, doesnt stack but if u buy decay or toxic it will
makes ur assistant do even more damage and helps ur teammates abilities too
strongest items, Left to right
mass firerate, spirit damage, healing, you name it this item does it
assistant scales with firerate, if you dont shoot fast, it wont shoot fast
Imbue Rabbit
just more damage, later into the game id say its situational, like for ur stealing seven ult or smth, but good
Vitality mainly, but also u typically dont go these like first 20ish minutes
PLEASE BUY ARMOR, especially this one bc it gives spirit power and reduces ALL CHARACTERS ABILITIES DAMAGE
PLEASE UPGRADE ARMOR!! literally can go early, late, mid game, if you are taking a lot of damage, or its getting late in the game UPGRADE
there are more characters with debuffs then without, reduces like everything, great item
super giga broken meta stupid nerf 6k item when?? (doesnt give more damage but keeps u alive)
dont need but good, if u need to just upgrade smth go for it
6000s - check annotations
i get fed early so i always go spiritual first, but can go this first if ur not getting fed, gives u 2, 2tps, 2 bunny, no cooldowns, etc
this item is really good bc by this point u have everything u need, this just gives you more of all of it
id say 3rd, or 4th 6k, so like u bought echo, u bought spiritual, up to u from here
great item, you steal somebodies ult it just gives u the buff dont even gotta use the ult, but even better if u steal a good ult
good item, assistant will build it up, ults will build it up (seven, pocket, dynamo, mokrill, etc), but typically the other ones have morevalue
good item, instead of trying ot force a 6k, or a super early debuff remover, just help ur teammates get out of sticky situations
flash from league but better, buy this after ur strength items, probably before a second 6k
i cant stress how good this is, if literally anyone on the enemy team gets fed, just goes this, you will die too much, its burst counter
uhh haze, wraith, gun character, not as good as eshift, or like virtually any other item but if that gun character too fed save urself
the other 3 are situationals, go whats needed game to game
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