La diferencia entre una victoria fácil o una derrota ruinosa es curar de forma oportuna y dividir una pelea en equipo de la forma adecuada. Deslizarse alrededor de enemigos lentos le da al equipo de Kelvin la ventaja de maniobrar para conseguirlo.
La diferencia entre una victoria fácil o una derrota ruinosa es curar de forma oportuna y dividir una pelea en equipo de la forma adecuada. Deslizarse alrededor de enemigos lentos le da al equipo de Kelvin la ventaja de maniobrar para conseguirlo.
Make sure to scroll all the way down to read the notes I put. / find me on youtube @ poshypop - DEADLOCK
Lifesteal is core.
another great item for getting prio early game. build this item.
helps with lane sustain, and gives us the power to 1v1 enemies. we have enough damage once you get hv/headshot/basic/active reload
Follow this order (generally, can rush quicksilver/intensifying earlier, main takeaway is that you get quicksilver -> intens -> titanic) Can get escalating before tesla if team is high bullet
boosts the healing of so many items/abilities that we have, also boosts bullet lifesteal
Put on 1 (i put it on 2 sorry), get this around the same time you get intensifying
super op item
gives us extreme burst damage early with intensifying
gives us good spirit item choices, also allows us to use suppressor which is very strong for 1v1s
(ONLY IF NEEDED) this item is super op, do not sleep on it whatsoever. turns us into a tank and gives us (bascially) 3000g improved bullet armor with moree damage
super strong, allows us to box enemies 1v1 easier, makes dueling super nice, good utility too
we don't have alot of spirit resist, you might need this based on the enemy team make sure you look
you could run this instead of siphon, usually if you get to this item you're in super super late game
with healing booster, you'll become god.
same item as suppressor but on crack, allows you to kite anyone and catch anyone. also turns them into a veggie (cant shoot)
i build this alot. a lot of high mmr players build this alot, helps you survive lane for super cheap
i prefer extra regen but this item can work if the lane is really really bad (viscious)
Bomba Kudzu
Pacto de la Vigilante
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