Shiv has zero interest in playing fair, which is why he relies on hit and run tactics to weaken enemies before he dives in for the kill.
Shiv has zero interest in playing fair, which is why he relies on hit and run tactics to weaken enemies before he dives in for the kill.
Rabbit Hex Support Sinclair based off of Naked
Always play in the duo and look for exchanges while you have assistant up. Your gun + assistant is almost always a positive trade.
In Mid game look to push waves and create space for your team while staying near them for major fights. It is your job to run the urn. Only take contestible farms unless you are about to buy a big item.
In late game play by your team and look for massive rabbit hexes on enemies to start fights and support your team. Use your Rabbit to help secure Mid.
Always look to steal big teamfight ults in teamfights
left to right
Buy these against certain teams
Buy after extra spirit if laning against Calico, Viscous, Geist, or Mirage. Skip coldfront if you got this.
Skip Coldfront and buy this against teams with multiple movement skills.
Buy if the enemy team has lots of CC. Skip Coldfront if you got this.
buy this if Kelvin on enemy team
buy this if Seven on enemy team
buy if very low
buy if somewhat low
buy instead of rapid rounds against Seven and Mo (Big Head)
buy against warden
left to right. rush echo shard if close
Sell coldfront for this
Put on Rabbit Hex
can buy these any time after echo shard. read annotation for situation
If their carry is dealing gun damage
If their carry is dealing spirit damage
buy if you have sold decay and their team relies on lifesteal or healing
Buy if their team has characters that apply debuffs (You should almost always buy this item)
Buy if their team has characters that rely on debuffs during late game (300 burst healing and the weapon damage is OP)
Buy if their carry is heavily gun based like Viper, Haze, etc.
buy against lash to dodge deathslam
buy if their team has fliers and channeled ults (pre throw on channeled ult users to stop them from pressing their ult)
Buy if using big channeled ults and they can CC you out of them
Make sure to buy fortitude and armors to sustain
Imbue on Rabbit
Imbue on Rabbit
more damage for super late game
even more damage for super late game
If one of their characters is SUPER far ahead throw this on them
Buy if they have multiple big ults for you to steal. Can be bought earlier against Kelvin to use his ult twice
Buy during mid/late game to be present on map more
buy late game to bulk up more
buy late game to bulk up more
Vexing Bolt
Spectral Assistant
Rabbit Hex
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