Updated regularly. Based on Dimov's and Prestis' tournament
Splatter is going to hit like a truck, pretty much all game long.
Use your early burst to win your lane and snowball into the
midgame. Your farming is decent (RIP Cold Front) and your ball
hits are going to do good damage.
Down sides of this build: you're only getting 2 puddle punches,
and lategame you're a sitting duck when Goo Ball is down.
Mostly just a placeholder for Torment Pulse. You can skip for Reach or Charge if you want -- sprint is nice for early mid game
Sell later
Sell later
You get this and Splatter T2 at roughly the same time. After that Splatter will HURT
Sell later. Some extra regen in lane, and it enables better camp clear
If you're not losing lane, but they're pressuring your HP well this is a good extra bump. Best after Enchanter's Barrier
Crazy item. Turns a loosing lane into a stalemate. Sell later. Use + self cube for half of your health back for free
Grab earlier if you're getting hit by a lot skillshots. Maybe sell later depending on the game
Crazy good. Don't discount the 350 heal. If you bought Enduring, delay a little then sell Melee Lifesteal
Flex 1. I know this looks odd in a damage build, but it helps all 4 abilties plus several items
Use in ball form for the second or further hit. Practice jump + bouncing off walls into Warp to hit flyers (especially ults)
Don't sleep on Improved Spirit. Sprint speed is really good now, and stat lines make Torment Pulse sting
Just all around useful. Rush versus Infernus lane. Either sell Stamina or skip Healbane. If you bought it, probably just upgrade it
Really powerful regen item, and scales into the late game. If you're dying badly in lane you can pick this up over E Barrier
Pickup when needed. Sell Melee Lifesteal / Enduring Spirit or skip if you need double armors
Selling Spirit Strike here is fine. Torment Pulse basically turns this into +12% damage
Flex 2
Kevlar gives you more spirit and defense, this is friendlier on slots and helps you outside of Goo Ball. Personal preference
Imbue 4. More damage from Torment Pulse, more uptime from everything
Generally a good item. Pickup if they have Infernus / Pocket or a lot of movement based CC so you can cleanse in Goo Ball
Big tanky option. Good if you feel like you want both armors, but you only have 1 slot. Makes Puddle Punch hurt too
I prefer this over Magic Carpet mostly because it's green. Rush against flyers, problem carries, or good ult dodgers
Flex 3/4. You can swap in for Improved CD if you want, but CD helps your whole kit, Duration just helps Goo Ball
Imbue 4, not a bad last item, but mostly just helps your ult
Imbue 4. At this point reach helps: Splatter, Cube, PP, Goo Ball, Torment Pulse, Warp Stone, Phantom Strike (if you have it)
If you have the money pick this up in Flex 3. If you don't, grab Duration Extender, and toss this in Flex 4