O posicionamento perfeito é crucial para McGinnis, seja para criar uma área mortal ou separar a equipe inimiga. Ela consegue ajudar a manter a equipe de pé, fortalecendo os aliados.
O posicionamento perfeito é crucial para McGinnis, seja para criar uma área mortal ou separar a equipe inimiga. Ela consegue ajudar a manter a equipe de pé, fortalecendo os aliados.
NEW ^^
The idea of the build is that using 2 spells you do a lot of damage and you can have a top damage to some lobbies. Ult is still relevant for monitoring and helping teammates.
You're standing aggressively because you have 3 items for weapons. After you upgrade 1 spell into 2, you heal a lot. You can take Restorative Locket (against casters) or Divine Barrier (against any) and become almost indestructible at the line stage.
Try to fill all the slots with items. Vitality items are purchased depending on the opponent's peak, but by 20k it is advisable to buy all green slots.
Mystic Burst after up 1st skill to 2
after purchase you can dive to tower
sell first
Add survive (one of Divine or Locket)
give m/s and tanky
against casters
buy if hard line but sell first for Warp Stone
farm nerf but 10% of all dmg
on 1st (if you like it)
Can change items order
can buy earlier
on 2nd, if game is going to be normal. in some cases, on 4th (after that, focus on your ults)
Fill flex slots
after that, you can eat any target
can buy it before DK if you have flex for both
againts Calico, Abrams, Shiv, Infernus, Yamato, Kelvin and others
against Infernus, Pocket, Shiv and others. Can upgrade if necessary
Armors (fill vitality slots)
as longer you stay into enemies, as more damage you do
Alt vitality options
Anti ults
if you need to counter certain heroes (usually no slot)
if you need to counter certain heroes (usually expensive)
As desired
instead of Monster Rounds if you have a lot of money
a lot of weapon damage in your team or playing through ult
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