A obsessão da Bruma contra um alvo a torna resiliente em um conflito. Ela prefere criar confrontos unilaterais, evitando sofrer dano para se aproximar e atacar alvos desavisados.
A obsessão da Bruma contra um alvo a torna resiliente em um conflito. Ela prefere criar confrontos unilaterais, evitando sofrer dano para se aproximar e atacar alvos desavisados.
Updated for 2/17, removed Leech + added Vamp Burst. Built around Talon's 2 ability (Rain of Arrows).
This build is good if you've always wanted to try being aggressive with Talon instead of being in the back all the time.
32,750 souls = 393 DPS
45,500 souls = 505 DPS
52,750 souls = 620 DPS
63,500 souls = 702 DPS
69,500 souls = Full Build 713 DPS
Buy Healing Rite if losing
CS and profit. The early extra 3 arrows is very nice as well
In lane we focus on our money and getting big pokes with our charged shot
Eventually we transition to gun
For the first 5 minutes we're spirit focused for big early pokes
Never sell this except for Escalating Resilience way down the line
Can be sold later for Vamp Burst
This build is very 2 focused but also VERY fire rate focused which is why we take this item even with the -5 BR penalty
This item kind of falls off late but is a demon early and mid game. You can duel and win any 1v1 once you grab this. GREAT for split pushing
Bread and butter item. I wouldn't suggest buying Sharpshooter later. This build heavily prios fire rate
For my money's worth, probably the most underrated 3K gun item. Mini power spike here
Big Power spike here as we head into late game
Rush DR the moment one or two of them buy knockdown,
This is our biggest power spike. No need to rush it tho, following the order should be fine. Especially since Burst Fire is also a big power spike
Fire Rate + Cooldown + Spirit Power+Lifesteal. This item is our build in a nutshell.
My games are typically over by this time but having prio'd this item in the past I can assure you this item is busted on Talon
Sell Withering Whip
Imbue Rain of Arrows
Good against bebop, seven, magician etc
Good against vindicta, seven, lash, bebop etc
good against lash, infernus, haze etc
good against everyone
Flecha Carregada
Chuva de Flechas
Armadilha Espiritual
Coruja Guiada