Dysponująca potężną bronią i śmiercionośnym jadem Vyper jest w stanie prześlizgnąć się na tyły wroga i zdjąć cele o wysokim priorytecie w huraganie kul.
Dysponująca potężną bronią i śmiercionośnym jadem Vyper jest w stanie prześlizgnąć się na tyły wroga i zdjąć cele o wysokim priorytecie w huraganie kul.
The intent around this build is to gun down enemies, and allow your venom to finish them off or come very close to it. I also wanted my build to be flexible enough to account for when your team is getting beatdown, or when you are causing the beating.
I would advise taking lethal venom 2 & 5 first before taking Petrifying Ebola 2 & 5. I would change it, but the Ability Point Order is broken for Vyper, so I can’t till they fix it..
Also, all items have my thoughts and rationale for each one listed, so you can have some perspective if you decide to make a better build yourself or to have a better perspective of how I intend for this build to be used.
Let's get this over with… phase! Buy a barrier after buying all items or sooner if they are kicking your teeth in. L → R
This is probably the most replaceable item on the list, along with its upgrade. You can swap it for close quarters or another upgradeable Gun item. I just like the additional benefits this provides in the early lane.
Lethal Venom provides you so much time to hit this key before it goes off, that not taking this over Mystic Burst is just foolish.
As most of your damage is from your gun, this helps you rotate between camps and objectives much faster. Every second counts
This directly enhances your build, it provides both speed as your movement is tied to spirit, and survivability.
Get rewarded for what you do constantly. It's a solid healing item for Vyper.
Stamina is Vyper’s most important resource, better to have more than less when you need it in a gun fight or in a chase. Do not buy this with sprint boots, it's one or the other.
Stop dying so much you're wasting souls
It's a classic item with a solid upgrade path. Not a bad choice.
This can really help if you or your teammate are constantly low, sit out for a second, and you are back in the fight. A sell early item though.
Your biggest weakness is CC, I am almost tempted to make it a must pick item, but it really is still a stiuational item for now.
The core items that help you become a magically sliding MG42. L → R
Imbue on 1 of course, throwing a shiv at someone is really the best way to reload your gun that now shoots faster.
This item is the cornerstone of all Vyper builds, if this item is not in a build. It's either a joke build or they just don't understand the character.
You are already shooting constantly, get a reward for it.
I used to run tesla bullets, but you don’t need the help clearing farms with proper sliding tech. Game data also showed this out performed tesla in overall damage, plus the healing reduction is always a huge plus.
Any way to make the enemy weaker to bullets you should take.
I find this item works well with the intent of this build, you also spew so many bullets so fast, getting this charged up before a lethal venom pops is simple.
This synergises with lethal venom really well, plus it provides an upgrade path without a need for a slot.
I know it's more expensive than Enduring Speed, but Vyper lives and dies off stamina. It’s too important not to have, but if you are struggling for cash, or have amazing stamina control. Pick up speed items instead.
I know this might be controversial, but I have looked at my game data, and crits make up around 14% to 20% of damage dealt consistently. It’s likely due to the shotgun-like spread her gun has. You can’t avoid hitting a headshot. Again, you shoot so many bullets so fast, amping this up is very easy to do.
This is a slot you can use for other items to hard counter one of the enemy team’s carry hero. If you are the threat, this just synergises well with the build
Replace Barrier with armor when needed or after Mid Phase
They have to be a very bullet heavy team for me to pick this up, or possibly a gun character is extremely fed.
Honestly, I just defualt to picking this up. Most of your build asissts in resisting bullets, so your weakspot is normally spirit.
Solid barrier for early lane to help urself or your teammate. Just don't forget you have it.
A solid choice when you need more defense against heavy bullet teams.
Read bullet Armor, same take.
Read spirit armor, same take.
I'm lazy and usally defualt to this when needed. It does what it needs to do.
You might be forced to take this item later in the game. Technically it's a situational item, but I find myself buying it more often than not.
Time to finish the build! (Any Order, Top Only) All 2nd row items are optional picks during the game
This a very replacable item, pick the T4 item that will hard counter the enemy or will help you finish the match.
While you have resistance in your slide and armor, you are still very squishy. This just helps keep you in the fight longer. Tip: If you are being chased, you need to practise shooting and sliding without looking forwards. The longer you slide, and the more bullets you hit on a target the longer you will survive and hopefully escape.
So ideally, this item helps you knock their health down to mid, and then Lethal Venom procs which has them either dead or close to it. You can replace it with another gun item, but this is my preference.
An easy upgrade path, that benefits all aspects of your build, and doesn't cost a flex slot. This is an item you should buy if slots are tight, and you need power now.
I know it's last on the build, but pick it up whenever you feel you need it. This item is fantastic if you time the proc the moment petrification is finishes.
I would pick this up if are behind in souls or it's a losing game, since it's a cheaper option to stamina.
I prefer extra stamina, but the upgrade is just significantly cheaper than the alternative. It should at least be an option in the build. You just have to be mindful of your stamina.
A very solid item that helps in movement, spirit power, and weakening bullet sponge characters.
I personally hardly ever take this item, however, it is a top tier item. It would be silly of me not to include it in my build.
Another item I hardly take, but again, it is a top tier item that can fit into this build well, so I'm sure others can find more value from it then I do.
Time to strategize a strategy.
I would reccommend buying this if you are desperate for more power, but have no slots; or it's time to finish a lopsided match
This item should be considered as a first pick replacement, if they are already hard stacking spirit resist early.
If you are a headshot machine, or the team is stacking all spirit resists, then pick this second, or possibly first if the fight is extremely desperate.
A solid second T4 pick if you are finding that teamfights are constantly occurring.
A second T4 pick, primarly used to ambush movement characters, or delay carry heros from wiping your team.
A second T4 pick, used to interrupt heavily skill reliant characters.
A second T4 pick. Primarly used to burst squishys down. It's fine for what it does & offers, but situational.
A second T4 pick, if you are tired of CC when you are going in. To me this is an engagement tool more so then a reaction tool, but you can use it either way.
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