Shiva absolutnie nie interesuje uczciwa gra i właśnie dlatego zdaje się na strategie polegające na uderzaniu i uciekaniu, by osłabić wrogów przed daniem nura po zabójstwo.
Shiva absolutnie nie interesuje uczciwa gra i właśnie dlatego zdaje się na strategie polegające na uderzaniu i uciekaniu, by osłabić wrogów przed daniem nura po zabójstwo.
Vexing bolt / assistant nuke build. Play rooftops and smite them from the heavens.
Lategame pickup echo shard so you can still double rabbit in fights once rabbit is maxed out.
Sell for slot later, use this with every assistant CD
This hero lanes best when enemy is stuck under their tower. buy this and hard push every wave into them.
Broken item, take camps early and lategame proc improved burst with this
Buy if you didn't need healing rite in lane
proc improved burst lategame with this on hexed targets
Best positioning item, leap on top of people for solo kills or leap to height in teamfights
first flex slot usually
Sell monster rounds
read annotations, NOT IN ORDER
usually 3rd flex, can sell infuser if you don't have slot
Imbue 2
Sell infuser, double rabbit in fights & double assistant for escapes
Buy as needed, don't ignore these lategame
Buy as needed, don't ignore these lategame
Buy when nothing else to buy
Buy when nothing else to buy
Imbue 3, buy after echo
Imbue 3, buy after echo, sell cold front for slot
read annotations
Buy if needed for lane then skip extra health
Buy if bebop owning your noob team
Buy against spammy lanes. Mirage / Geist etc
Almost always buy at some point, sell extra health for this usually
Buy if getting owned by haze with slowing hex or lash ult
If they have good ults to steal can max ult before rabbit and pick this up instead of echo shard
Good if going ult build
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