Wkopując się w ziemię, Mo i Krill są w stanie zdobyć przewagę praktycznie nad każdym. A gdy już znajdą się bliżej, to skutki mogą okazać się katastrofalne.
Wkopując się w ziemię, Mo i Krill są w stanie zdobyć przewagę praktycznie nad każdym. A gdy już znajdą się bliżej, to skutki mogą okazać się katastrofalne.
Standard Lash Slam build that pivots into a more support/ult centric playstyle. Carry teamfights with this build and look for fat ults and assists. I stream this build on twitch.tv/mira_lash.
If you have great early game pressure than I would go left to right.
Spirit shield + more damage for trades.
Spirit shield + a huge early spike for our damage scaling.
More damage/slow.
Additional damage added to our burst.
Additional damage scaling + sustain.
Second grapple charge. Could purchase earlier in situations where you need a grapple refresh for a dive early.
Take this for more stamina uptime.
Poke spirit shields, more damage added to our gun, and more spirit power.
Health refresh on kills, lets us take 1v1s in early -> mid game.
Check notes.
If you need to play a passive laning phase this helps for our poking.
Very strong item for trades since it gives us gun shield and if we are using it on heroes off cooldown we get great healing.
Buy this for health in between waves.
Buy this when you are missing 400+ health.
Pick a movement item before or after IB
Our first flex slot buy.
First T3 so we can start doing Lash things. This gives absurd movement + it gives us some additional spirit power.
I look to line this purchase up with maxxing out your 1. HUGE SPIRIT SPIKE GIVES US ULT RANGE AND DAMAGE.
This is so we can max our ult first without sacrificing damage on our 1 at this stage in the game.
You need a debuff remover we get this.
Zoning tool, helps us shred with our gun easier. Throw this where you ult to help your teammates shred your ults.
I prefer this to ML because I have it up when I need it. Super useful for gap closing, escaping, ulting, setting up slams.
If you prefer a more ult centric playstyle and you are pathing Headhunter as your 4th gun slot. This is a great item to setup ults.
Bullets hurt a lot.
Headshot burst after ground strike = big damage.
If you're strapped for flex slots and need to be able to kill something. Imbue on 1.
I need more sustain.
Note heavy please check annotations.
Imbue on Ult. Uptime maxxing for our cooldowns.
Imbue on 1. Gives us more damage on 1 and some ridiculous spirit adjacent stats. Sell lifesteal if you need slots and want this.
If you are ultmaxxing this will give us a power boost when we ult and a defensive shield boost. Minor CD and duration as well.
If they are purchasing a lot of spirit armor. This gives us some great shred and lifesteal. Sell spirit lifesteal if you need slots.
If they have a lot of gun damage and bullet shredder/crippling.
Pick One
Largest value to counter Lash shutdowns in the game. This is useful in practically every scenario so I pick this up most frequently.
We buy this if they are shutting down your ult with stuns.
We buy this if they try to counter your ult with defensives like eshift,dome,Dynamo.
Shut down slippery picks like Pocket,Wraith,Haze,Warden,Mirage.
Underrated choice. Heal cd for you and teammate, lifesaver for teammates. Sustain in a pinch. Do not sleep on this one.
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