Mirage może otoczyć się gwałtownym tornadem, by dogonić wrogów i unieść ich w powietrze. Jego skarabeusze pomagają mu przetrwać w walce z wieloma wrogami, a on sam jest zawsze gotowy pomóc sojusznikowi lub dać się we znaki wrogowi niezależnie od jego położenia.
Mirage może otoczyć się gwałtownym tornadem, by dogonić wrogów i unieść ich w powietrze. Jego skarabeusze pomagają mu przetrwać w walce z wieloma wrogami, a on sam jest zawsze gotowy pomóc sojusznikowi lub dać się we znaki wrogowi niezależnie od jego położenia.
(WIP) Early test build. Focus on bolts & assistant damage early then pivot late game into Echo Shard double rabbit CC to have huge teamfight impact while maintain good damage. Items are in order left to right, but buy as needed.
Can start 1 or 2, situational & perference.
Can sell & rebuy later if stuck on flex slots.
Sell for Healbane after lane.
Keep instead of Extra Health if you need to buy.
Sell Infuser for Cooldown or Duration slot. Replace Extra Health with any situational green.
Buy early if laning against tanks/healers.
Can be delayed if you're stuck on flex slots.
Imbues: Reach = 3, Duration = 3, Cooldown = 1, 2 or 3 (1 carry, 2 escape, 3 support)
Buy before Duration Extender if stuck on flex slots.
Buy before Echo Shard if stuck on flex slots.
Can buy before Echo Shard if you need more mobility (vs Warden or Slowing Hexes).
Can buy earlier if you need the sustain out in the field.
Buy as needed.
Late game luxury
Strong positioning item, helps against gank/dive heavy comps. You can buy immediately after Echo Shard if needed.
Late game luxury if you're carrying. Imbue 1
Luxury sustain item, can buy if stuck on flex slots.
Luxury sustain item. Can buy if you want to stack anti-heals with someone else's Healbane.
All of these items can be used defensively against certain heroes or in combination with certain ults.
You are made of paper! Don't feel bad buying this.
You are made of paper! Don't feel bad buying this.
You are made of paper! Don't feel bad buying this.
Buy if you want to focus on stealing Seven/Warden ults
Extra pickup when focusing support or alternative pickup in lane for Resto Locket.
Alternative to Magic Carpet or Superior Stamina. Great for Warden & Seven ults
Great for using big ults (Dynamo, Seven...)
Extra tankyness if you wanna use diving ults (Warden, Mo, Calico, ect)
You are made of paper! Don't feel bad buying this.
You are made of paper! Don't feel bad buying this.
You are made of paper! Don't feel bad buying this.
Niche pickup, good early against a few character, mostly Bebop and Mo.
Hard to reserve a spirit slot for this early, only buy if you need to.
Hard to reserve a spirit slot for this early, only buy if you need to.
Buy against Lash / Wraith mostly. Good defensive option overall.
Buy against fliers & high mobility characters (Vin, Talon, Lash, Holliday, Kelvin...). Easy setup for double rabbit CC.
When you really hate someone
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