Gdy Haze zafiksuje się na punkcie jakiegoś celu, jest w stanie sama sobie poradzić podczas wymiany ognia. Woli kreować jednostronne potyczki, w których unika obrażeń, a potem zdejmuje niczego niepodejrzewające cele z bliska.
Gdy Haze zafiksuje się na punkcie jakiegoś celu, jest w stanie sama sobie poradzić podczas wymiany ognia. Woli kreować jednostronne potyczki, w których unika obrażeń, a potem zdejmuje niczego niepodejrzewające cele z bliska.
Build 4 futa dummies :D :D :D D:
Default order is just purchasing from left to right.
Note: There are three main paths. Two of which lead to the same point.
- The first is to simply follow the build in left-to-right fashion, building gun, dagger, and then ult.
- The second is to focus on ult before Dagger: Prioritize Warp, Magic Carpet, and Superior Cooldown.
- The third is to go pure dagger. Don't. Get. A. Single. Bullet. Item.
13/03/2025 - RIP: Spirit Ult :(
Sleep, melee, headshot!
Good damage early game. Sell when choked on slots.
Good damage early game. Sell later on unless you want Improved Burst in place of one of the other Spirit items.
If you're getting kills, you won't need these.
For slow lanes
Dagger, Ult, Warp!
Core: Reduces Cooldown
Core: Reduces Cooldown - Grab Enchanter's Barrier before cooldown if the opponent is doing a lot of spirit damage.
Core: Synergizes with fixation, ult, and tesla bullets.
Core: Basic attack
Great for characters with tons of healing.
Purchase after Warp if needed. Anti-Kelvin, Shiv, and Yamato
Purchase for more dagger power. If you get this, get it in place of Duration or Vulnerability.
Spirit Ult was nerfed. :(
Rush Echo Shard (Dagger) or Magic Carpet and SC (Ult). Imbue everything on Dagger!
Core: Imbue Dagger
Core: Extends sleep duration, wake-up time, invisiblility, ult.
Core: Imbue Dagger
Core: Anti-Spirit Armor
Core: Anti-Spirit Armor - Synergizes well with Tesla, Fixation, Ult.
Finish the build.
Core: AoE Burst
Core: CD Reduction and Shield for Ult
Self Sustain and Anti-Heal
Core: Increases Spirit Power
Get this before or right after Boundless spirit if you're getting CC'd.
If you get this, get it in place of SoP, DE/SD, MV/EE, depending on if you're going for pure dagger and if the enemy is running spirit armor.
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