Vindicta ha la mobilità necessaria per attaccare a suo piacimento, scegliendo le sue prede e dissanguandole lentamente. I nemici feriti a qualsiasi distanza devono temere per la loro incolumità quando lei si trova sulla mappa.
Vindicta ha la mobilità necessaria per attaccare a suo piacimento, scegliendo le sue prede e dissanguandole lentamente. I nemici feriti a qualsiasi distanza devono temere per la loro incolumità quando lei si trova sulla mappa.
Did you know that Vindicta's favorite activity is grilling?
Carpet is the magic sauce for the build. Duration and range, tons
of escape, spirit for ult and alch fire, and two flights/mobility tools.
Tether is the strongest spammable CC in the game; this build is
completely serious and works in extremely high MMR. Crow is also
just really, really stupid, it'll be your highest damage every game.
Tip: Tether's yoink/maximum distance is a sphere, and as such applies
vertically as well. Try pinning people against buildings and walls.
T3 assassinate fuels the souls for the build while you start fights.
LovingSnek in the discord if you have any questions. Also, I'm all for making builds inspired by mine, but please don't use my name/be rude to do so (attributing is completely fine and makes me happy <3). It's weird.
Normalish spirit vin; rushing decay and T2 crow gives you extreme lane harass. Regen stacking allows you to stay in lane. Pop infuser BEFORE scoping.
Lets you stay in harass heavy lanes, ie Grey Talon nonsense. Avoid if you can, but sell first if you can't. Don't be too greedy.
T2 crow and this is evil. Rush if you can.
More regen and makes crow last a good while longer, also snipes.
Pop infuser before any snipe attempt. Also, pop if you hit a double crow + decay to heal ~100 hp
T3 assassinate is really, really good. Don't ever sell this if you can help it.
Round out your build a little; movespeed, spirit, barrier, and pushing items.
Regen and pushing.
Buy this and HPW at the same time if possible.
Buy earlier if you like gun or need a bit more spirit barrier.
These greens let you be present always and survive many more catches. Carpet early secures this, and gives you extreme mobility and surviability.
Run around the map to get as many kills as you can.
Entirely for pushing and sprint speed.
Reactive with Carpet makes you nigh immortal. Sell for late greens if needed. ~10 regen lets you stay active.
Even if you get grabbed/slowing hex, Reactive/Carpet/Debuff Reducer usually guarantees survival.
Carpet before Alch Fire is intentional. Use it to push, gank, catch waves, and survive being caught. Plus, 31 spirit.
You've been working for this. It's time to grill! Imbue tether. Sell infuser or extra spirit first, though always sell both.
The barbeque itself. Max damage scales with spirit, and the stats tether likes scale alch fire too.
Makes tether just a bit better until echo.
Tether, alch fire, echo, crow, tether, prepare to snipe or hide.
Absolutely insane. If you're comfortable, try to use giga-ranged tether to pin people against walls and buildings.
The last pieces to grill well. Whatever order you want, really.
Sell Decay for the slot.
This can be bought much earlier, but I find it's best around here when you have huge tethers to apply it.
Oops more of everything.
This amps all your damage and puts -28% spirit res on crow'd targets. Third flex slot, usually.
Debuff remover if you really need it, knockdown if your team needs one and won't buy it. Otherwise, late game tether upgrades.
Self explanatory really.
Imbue Crow in most games, Ult if it's a nonstop fight type of game.
While the nerfs have sucked, this item still isn't bad. Late game you get many opportunities to hit multiple charged snipes
I kinda don't buy this unless it's like, useful against 3+ heroes that can catch me.
You're very far away usually. Use this to annoy fliers and Dynamo, or to help grill.
Stuck in purgatory? Don't know what the hell to do? Here you go. I'm sorry.
Hit max firerate slow with tether. I guess. Also just good with crow.
Good team buff item, makes it so they can't leave alch fire just a bit longer.
Your late late game source of silly. Keeps you topped off and applys even better antiheal. Generally pretty good.
Lets you scout late late game a lot more safely, but less important than Leech.
I don't care for this item, but if it's that kind of game go for it.
If, somehow, nobody else on your team has one, you buy this. 5.5s duration, so just dink heads occasionally.
These two are excessive. But, if you need more alch fire/snipe damage, these can be your last flex slot.
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