Hedera dispone di trucchi di combattimento dirompenti che rallentano e stordiscono i nemici. È più efficace quando si unisce a un alleato, poiché potenzia la sua arma e quella del compagno e condivide la sua capacità di guarigione.
Hedera dispone di trucchi di combattimento dirompenti che rallentano e stordiscono i nemici. È più efficace quando si unisce a un alleato, poiché potenzia la sua arma e quella del compagno e condivide la sua capacità di guarigione.
Slide! Slide slide slide slide slide slide slide slide slide! Sliding gives you INFINITE AMMO!
Also there's a lot of descriptions in the items. Recently added Escalating. Get this instead of bullet armor if you have the flex slots - if you don't, then just get imp bullet armor. It's straight up worse (Esp if you have to sell extra health)
If you have any questions just @ me in discord in Guides > Ivy's Bodega or Catgirl's Ivy Guide. @catgirlnyaa
Left=>Right. Health Nova early is also good
Solid damage+ammo
Filler 500 item. This one's on the chopping block first
OP value item early +40% hp
Reloading is nice early
500 for +15% ammo and +50 hp ignore the passive
Good even if ur DPS
Only if enemy shoving wave. Good item, but don't get into the habit of buying it every round.
Prereq for healing rite. Good for using on yourself then going to break boxes and coming back
Still goated even if it costs 500 more
Buy left->right. Sell Close Quarters & Extra Health if needed.
best damage 3k in the game
Good damage (not best) but makes sliding MUCH EASIER. Also has bullet lifesteal and helps your team.
Very easy slides with tether now
With Heroic Aura, we already have bullet lifesteal. This just helps it + the 3 and negates anti-heal
Decent damage but most importantly this item lets you slide from AD Strafe even without tether. Also active is good.
Of course, check to make sure enemy has spirit damage. You can tell by looking at how long the purple bar is
If you don't have flex slots, get bullet armor / imp bullet armor instead
These are actually good btw. Heavily recommend
Very very strong. Just throw it on people on cooldown for 30% hp damage
If you got Decay/Slowing Hex/Cold Front this applies to them. Also very strong.
Makes it easier to land 3/4 and also just gives +7% bullet resist is which is nice.
Fuck pocket
+10% spirit resist and slow and bullet resist shredder proccer
Makes your 3 easier to land and stops enemy movement abilities
-14% bullet resist active is very nice. Fire rate is okay too.
In case you have to say fuck you Dynamo/Vindicta/Lash/Greytalon
Escalating Resilience is straight up better but uses an orange slot. Pick this up if you're lacking flex slots
Can get instead of escalating
Unordered list. Recommend Inhibitor => Crippling/Curse. Get Bullet Armor after 1-2 6200s if you don't have it (even with escalating). If their abrams has 60% bullet resist Crippling is also good choice.
Good mixture of damage and survivability and it's not bugged
:) Weapon damage but also the best fuck you item in the entire game
Highest damage 6300 especially when they have bullet resist
Should be default buy. Adds damage and survivability and you can usually instantly heal back when you revive.
Fuck pocket
2 echo shard 2 = 100% tether uptime. Also gives one move speed
Only good if you need slots
Only good if you need slots
Fuck haze
Even if you have resilience, after 1-2 6300s grab this
Even if you have escalating get it eventually after 2-3 6300s
If you have questions, ask @catgirlnyaa in Ivy's Boedga in guides
It's kind of a big tempo loss
Technically the best 1.2k weapon item in the game.....
Bomba Kudzu
Alleanza della guardia
Forma di pietra