Dinamo mantiene in salute se stesso e i suoi alleati mentre attende il suo momento. Poche cose possono cambiare il corso di un combattimento di squadra più di un uso ben coordinato della Singolarità.
Dinamo mantiene in salute se stesso e i suoi alleati mentre attende il suo momento. Poche cose possono cambiare il corso di un combattimento di squadra più di un uso ben coordinato della Singolarità.
buy all in order if you want to. "why no extra spirit or improved spirit?" its just... not that great. stomp is the only thing that needs spirit, 3 and 4 dont scale with spirit good so its pointless. it just doesnt give enough spirit to justify a slot and 3.5k. late game, boundless is fine not so much for spirit but other perks too.
'ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ERE WE GO!
We is gonna stomp da universe flat and kill anyfink that fights back!
wot do ya mean i kan only have wun?
good if you want extra movement
testing out, but there is an idea here
for the rest of you basic normies who like mystic shot
Boss, 'da boyz are ready for 'da biggest WAAAAAGH!
imbue ult, imbue stomp for funny
(situational, optional)
should be a very rare buy
even rarer buy
anti-shiv or yamato or some other bullshit
very good if 3+ enemies are strong heal oreinated (geist, infernus, shiv, etc)
if you wanna go more healy, otherwise buy any other vitality
icky about this, buy if ahead though
Hit 'em hard, Hit 'em low and give 'em plenty of Dakka!
for more stomps.... ult too i guess
serves as testing grounds for me before i include in main build so ignore this
Impulso cinetico
Correlazione quantistica
Aurora rianimatrice