Con una potente escopeta y una esbelta figura, Bolsillo confía en su habilidad para escapar brevemente dentro de una maleta mística y teletransportarse mediante una capa voladora para poder sobrevivir a situaciones peligrosas.
Con una potente escopeta y una esbelta figura, Bolsillo confía en su habilidad para escapar brevemente dentro de una maleta mística y teletransportarse mediante una capa voladora para poder sobrevivir a situaciones peligrosas.
Build by: Elendilli Rank ~26 Mcginnis on Leaderboards
A guide that focuses on holding down left click and doing mostly
GUN damage while removing enemy bullet resist through
itemization to deal even more gun damage. You will have incredible
objective damage (rip walkers), tankiness and sustain to chase
down enemies or hold your ground against multiple foes.
Recent changes (03-09-25): UPDATED FOR NEW MAP. Added
Superior Stamina as core item & Slowing Hex situational.
Get Hollow Point if you are usually over 65% health. Extra Charge skippable until QsR
More ammo to shoot more from laning phase to mid-game. Sell when you need to buy a bigger item and have no flex.
Works on Guardians/Walkers/Patron/Shrine/Weakened Patron. You can buy this item late game when you're trying to kill Weakened Patron.
Sell later when you need slots.
Always buy no matter what.
Provides early lane pressure with bullet shield ehp and good weapon damage combined with Hollow Point.
Skippable until you get QsR (quicksilver reload).
Always buy if you are consistently over 65% health in lane. Also provides some spirit shield for laning.
Buy if red health 15% or lower and have no other healing. Suiciding to enemy guardians or walkers after 10 seconds of not taking damage will not give kill credit if you want to avoid 500 on this. Sell later.
Tesla 1st. QsR 2nd. Intensifying 3rd. BRS or Swift 4th/5th. Lifesteal unneeded till later
Farm faster / Clear waves faster / Triggers BRS / Good damage output on its own.
Use on Turrets. Provides an early fighting and farming tool after Tesla.
The most powerful weapon damage item in the game for Mcginnis. Combined with Tesla, you don't really need more damage for a while.
Spirit damage required to proc bullet shredder. Pair with Tesla or an active item (that deals any spirit damage) if you don't have Tesla.
Cost effective fire rate for 1250 is a steal. Buy 4th or 5th depending on Flex slot situation.
Skippable till later b/c you have a heal anyway. Buy Bullet Lifesteal when fighting enemies.
Sell Monster Rounds to pickup Berserker. Provides bullet resist and massive weapon damage ontop of Tesla and Intensifying if you've been taking damage.
Buy vs Bebop, Haze dagger, Abrams charge, Mirage tornado, Mo&k ult, Paradox ult. Mostly for lane.
Buy when you need extra survivability for yourself (cast on self) or allies (cast on allies). Example: Your partner gets Bebop hooked and you can Divine Barrier them to run away or turn and fight.
Upgrade to Frenzy if they have heavy bullet damage. Lucky or Crippling last
Usually buy late game but the new map requires movement more than ever. Buy mid-game. Use to move around the map, get to fights faster, scale buildings and take walkers from diff angles.
Only buy if their team has 2 or more heavy bullet focused builds (Haze, Vyper, Vindicta, and Wraith normally but sometimes: gun Bebop, gun Warden, gun Talon (usually spirit), gun Ivy, gun Geist and rare gun Viscous.
Absolutely required in almost every game. We have no spirit resist (0%). Buy after Early Mid items.
Provides mainly bullet resist shred up to 24% (if only 1 enemy Hero) or 8% (2+ enemy Hero). Enemy fire rate reduction is a plus. Stacks with Bullet Resist Shredder and WORKS ON BUILDINGS.
The most crucial 6000 item of the build. Provides massive lifesteal to turn the tables on the enemy and gigaburst them with your gun or gives you extra ammo when trying manfight or solo a weakened Patron.
Provides massive gun burst against enemy Heroes. Buy if you are trying to kill enemy Heroes. PASSIVE DOES TRIGGER ON BUILDINGS.
Very effective if enemies don't have high bullet resist. Generally overkill on damage and should be bought on the 4th flex slot unlock because a lot of our damage comes from fire rate already.
Buy when enemy team has more spirit Heroes and if laning against heavy spell spammers like Lady Geist and Calico.
Melee Resist, Spirit Resist mainly. Doubled clip size is a plus. This item isn't needed often.
Buy Unstoppable if CC's are a problem or to destroy Patron
Normally bought with Heroic Aura but still good on its own. Lets you shoot without movespeed penalty (Amazing).
Buy versus heavy bullet damage. Heroes like gun Vindicta will kill themselves on you. More bullet resist = you take less, but you still return 60%.
Buy when you desperately need bullet resist and want to absorb damage. Pairs well with Improved Spirit Armor + Colossus + Healing Booster. Sell Swift Striker and replace with this.
If it takes at least 2 or 3 players to bring you down, Ricochet can turn their numbers against them. This is not a farming item.
Crippling (6000) if fighting. Monster Rounds (500) if taking weakened enemy Patron. Lucky Shot (6000) if they have no improved bullet resist.
Usually required almost every game against heavy spirit damage Heroes like Lash, Talon (spirit), Bomb Bebop, Infernus, Holliday, Pocket, Seven, Shiv (spirit), Viscous and Yamato.
Buy against CC like Lash ult or Mo&K ult/disarm or just use it to take the weakened Patron in less than 10 seconds if you have Vampiric (QsR + Vampiric ammo).
Normally for Pocket Ult and removing anti-heal if they specifically target you, otherwise just get Unstoppable.
Buy versus heavy bullet damage.
One of the best items in the game (max heal goes from 4.5% to 5.6%, more bullet lifesteal etc). If you buy this, it means you plan to keep it for extra sustain throughout the game so you will not have room for 1 other green item (combat barrier).
Buy when you need to tank up. Pairs well with Escalating Resilience and Healing Booster. This strategy is weaker if they have more than 1 source of anti-heal but sometimes you have no choice.
Necessary to buy sometimes because we're unable to fit healbane into the build. Buy vs Shiv, Abrams, Kelvin, Infernus, Geist, Mo&K and Yamato mainly.
Buy against enemies who rely on their escape like Lash's 2 or Warp Stone abusers. Ex: Lash slams you with his 1 but needs his 2 or warp stone to escape which both get disabled.
All my homies hate the flying bivtches. Can also be used before wall to setup chainstun and gun enemies down with all the fire rate we have.
Alternative for spirit damage to proc Bullet Resist Shredder. Buy late game and sell Tesla, but before you do this just ask if someone else can buy it.
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