Cuando Niebla se fija en un objetivo, puede apañárselas en un tiroteo. Prefiere realizar intercambios unilaterales, evitar el daño y atacar de cerca a objetivos desprevenidos.
Cuando Niebla se fija en un objetivo, puede apañárselas en un tiroteo. Prefiere realizar intercambios unilaterales, evitar el daño y atacar de cerca a objetivos desprevenidos.
New build made to have huge resists to fight against the insane shreds on this patch. Thanks to the insane buff to yamato now you have a strong ult, but you also need to do well outside of it. I'm pretty confident on this one being better this patch than the barriers one.
Play more aggresively on solo lanes, but be careful on duo lanes. Don't forget to farm and use your slash to secure kills during ult if possible.
Better for roaming around the map
No more cheesing structures with spirit, so now we need to do more damage to them with our gun
Early survivability and melee damage boost. Not necessary but useful if you need regen. Sold later for slots.
Ideally you want this before minute 5
New map really wants you to move around, and supstamina gives us good stats and more maneuverability
Reliable spirit and regen in lane. You can buy AmmoScav instead if you can keep the stacks up.
If you're short on flex slots, you can sell this, specially to get your last core spirit items
Lets you damage structures quickly now that spirit is less effective. Sprint Speed is good for moving around the map too!
Forced duo lanes make filling this easier. Pick early if bullied. Extra mobility also really neat! *Could* be sold very lategame for slots, but I don't recommend it
good against poke-heavy enemies
Lots of pressure in lane from this. Good against enemies with big heads like MnK
All duo lanes means you will be under the health threshold more often. Still a good item, but it's hard to keep it working.
Gives some survivability in lane through resist and damage close to enemies.
Can be bought instead of OR along with Extra Spirit if you want the QoL of longer 2 early
With the 3 lanes update, securing orbs is kinda mandatory so you will get A LOT of value out of this
If you don't need Healing Rite or Extra Regen you can buy this and hold onto it for some time
1-2 flex slots needed only
With the nerf to spirit damage to structures, buying this over mystic shot is recommendable
Spirit Amp AND lifesteal applied by all of your spirit sources of damage, including torment pulse
Less lifesteal items after the 3 lanes update and no more antiheal protection on ult makes this a requirement for spirit yamato now
Ticks that apply SSB and later MysVuln if bought. You can buy this a bit earlier if you're very rich
Absolutely needed, and the upgrade to leech makes it even more necessary.
New map requires moving around, SupStam gives good stats on top of mobility. Try learning advanced movement.
Imbue on 1. Lifesteal, spirit resist and range, and now does 50% of the skill damage in area!
Honetsly since the nerf i've been buying it later but Frenzy gives too much value to skip this
Insane value and powerspike
You already have over 30% SpiritRes outside of ult and rn there's a lot of gun-centric builds, so you will need this
If you cant fit in punches, you can sell spirit strike for this. If many people on your team are buying it, buy something else.
Not in order, read annotations!!
Good against Pocket/Infernus comps, and teams with too many CCs.
Cleanses statuses and heals when you don't have ult.
Really great for map presence and to avoid having to get back to base. Maybe mandatory on the new map?
Makes 1v1s easier, also makes you take even less damage when you're in ult. Your best choice if you're behind to keep having pressence.
Better Healbane, and also gives you lifesteal you lost with the 3 lanes update. Very good as your second T4.
Helps with survivability against gun heavy teams, but has fallen off recently.
Make them suffer twice (three times with your ult, tho)
Really great stats, pick if the enemy has A LOT of resists
Good T4 that lets you become more hybrid and have a decent gun too.
For longer ult presence. Good as a second T4 option if you can finish the game quick after buying. Maybe even a 3rd
very lategame to get more 1s and faster pulses. buy only if you can spare the souls
Imbue 1
Read annotations. Experimentals have (E).
If your playstle has you near enemies more often, buy this instead of berserker
If you can spare the souls, this lets you further shut down enemies running away and gives back some lifesteal you "lost" with the 3 lanes update
Despite this build's 30% SpiRes out of ult, if its very late and all the damage you take is spirit, you can take this
If somehow all the damage you take is still gun, take this
fight against bullet heavy comps
fight against bullet heavy comps
Not played rn but still useful
Imbue on your ult
Slot filler when you have a lot of spirit, but also has great value imho
Late game if you're strong and want to deal even more damage. If they have too much SpiritRes, it's not worth it
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Corte Carmesí
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