วอร์เดน นำแถวเดินหน้า กระโดดเข้าไปลุยคู่ต่อสู้และทำให้ฝ่ายนั้นไร้ประสิทธิภาพในการต่อสู้ แต่สิ่งที่ วอร์เดน เห็นว่าเป็นความกล้าหาญ คนอื่นกลับมองว่าเป็นความประมาท และถ้าเขาไม่ระมัดระวังให้ดี ก็อาจพบตัวเองตกอยู่ในสถานการณ์ที่เอาตัวไม่รอดได้ง่าย ๆ
วอร์เดน นำแถวเดินหน้า กระโดดเข้าไปลุยคู่ต่อสู้และทำให้ฝ่ายนั้นไร้ประสิทธิภาพในการต่อสู้ แต่สิ่งที่ วอร์เดน เห็นว่าเป็นความกล้าหาญ คนอื่นกลับมองว่าเป็นความประมาท และถ้าเขาไม่ระมัดระวังให้ดี ก็อาจพบตัวเองตกอยู่ในสถานการณ์ที่เอาตัวไม่รอดได้ง่าย ๆ
Updated with some new insights.
Rush torment pulse, slowing hex optional but strong against lots of heroes, resto locket for sustain.
Ball has a lot of armor, use it well.
L-R is fine, HVM early only if you're struggling with LH
Heals 106 hp off base puddle punch, core lane sustain. Sell 2nd/1st.
Reduces spirit resist for more damage on splatter + extra dmg. Sell 2nd for spirit items later
One more puddle punch + reduces PP cooldown, great for lane. Sell 1st for spirit items later
More damage on splatter/ball, simple as that
Splatter and PP easier to hit, increases ball size as we unlock it
Needed for securing souls at distance because we have slowest bullet velocity in game. Delay until after mystic shot if not struggling with hitting orbs
Incredibly strong item right now, and let's you keep yourself up in fights a lot. The stats will also help you farm. This or mystic shot first, depending on how your lane is going.
Easy to proc with our alt fire, part of our burst combo. Abuse in lane to bully enemy.
Overall great item for lane phase, makes troopers super easy to kill/decreases a ton of their damage. Also really good for doing camps and taking guardian. Sell for warpstone later.
Good for farming camps after lane and good damage if land melee in lane, works well with burst combo too.
Good early spirit shield + CDR/Spirit item. Will drop for armors later.
Strong in lane, can build in to healing nova if you want to be a little more support focused. Sell as needed.
Generally good default choice, makes ball a little easier and lets you dodge more. Not strictly required.
Only build this in lane if you are going the Slowing Hex route; it provides minimal healing otherwise.
Rarely pick this up in lane unless its super matchup specific. Like rushing it against an abrams to get out of the stun, that's about it.
Torment Pulse Rush: CF doesn't give much value for farm, TP is your strong item
Tons of damage from this item. With ball you'll stay in fights for a long time, and with this you'll deal damage the whole time. Also accelerates your farming.
Works well with torment pulse + ball, you can keep the debuff spread around giving you +12% damage overall.
Important mobility tool. You can't get flying enemies quite yet, but you can grab low hanging bebops, people trying to be sneaky, etc.
Core to your damage. Makes splatter deadly, makes ball do more damage, and scales through the end of the game.
Utility items that you will sometimes neeed before your 6ks cores.
You will only be going this if you are countering heroes: Calico, Lash, Infernus, Vindicta, Greytalon, etc. Making a spot for this can be tough.
You naturally spread a lot of spirit damage meaning you are an effective healbane user. It also builds in to leech, if the game goes late.
Only buy this here if you are rotating a lot and have extra slots. You'll arrive in lane with more resources, but it's 3k and pretty hefty.
It's okay now. Extra damage, but it doesn't accelerate your farming at all. Delay until you have maxxed out ball.
Extra shields + great stats for ball. You will generally pick this first. Adds a lot of mobility too.
Your second 6k item. You can build first if you need to take down a lash mid ult or a seven (before they have unstop).
Imbue all on 4
You benefit from armor less than other heroes; balls gives a lot. With both armors you cap out at 85%; Colossus gives close to that.
Bonus health and lifesteal is good, especially as you hit splatter and multiple enemies. Important, the 60% healing reduction is easy for you tos pread with ball + splatter.
This is overall strong stats for late game. If you have a preference for mystic reverb, that's a viable alternative.
Alternative to escalating exposure. CDR is good, but shields are worth a lot less since they don't (currently) benefit from armor.
Split between this and Diviner's Kevlar. You will deal more damage with this overall, as -12% spirit resist is good, but the actual effect is mediocre.
Least important
Easy pick up for spirit power + builds naturally from HVM.
One of the last items you should buy; CDR is more valuable than mystic shot at this point. That's kind of the only reason you get this.
Against hyper stun teams this is important, but you can generally cube dodge singular lash ults and such.
I tested this a lot to see, but coldfront is largely ineffective as a farming tool now, and not great until you have maxed ball. You farm slightly faster, but not meaningfully faster with CF vs. SH. Neither farms significantly faster than the laning stage items, and Torment Pulse is really your power spike. So when it comes down to it, you are going to delay Torment Pulse only if slowing hex will help you deal with a problematic enemy, which it can a lot. The reduced dash distance + movement disable is really strong in to a lot of current meta heroes. CF has a movement slow attached, but since it doesn't disable movement abilities, it's less valuable.
Past the mid-late sections, you are in kind of uncharted waters. If you finish this guide out you're above 80k souls, which would be a massively late game where most characters will start shredding you, ball or not. So while this guide will help, it's very much a guide; you might find that you desperately need metal skin over another T4 spirit item, and if you do, use that. Once you have your core 6k items (MC/PS) anything else is going to be small improvements on top of that; adjust accordingly.