ชิฟ ไม่สนใจที่จะเล่นตามกติกาแม้แต่น้อย ซึ่งเป็นเหตุผลที่เขาอาศัยยุทธวิธีชนแล้วหนีเพื่อทำให้ศัตรูอ่อนกำลังลงก่อนที่จะพุ่งเข้าไปสังหาร
ชิฟ ไม่สนใจที่จะเล่นตามกติกาแม้แต่น้อย ซึ่งเป็นเหตุผลที่เขาอาศัยยุทธวิธีชนแล้วหนีเพื่อทำให้ศัตรูอ่อนกำลังลงก่อนที่จะพุ่งเข้าไปสังหาร
To use this build, you must let go of earthly attachments. Kills are nothing to you. Souls are nothing to you. With a rescue beam and echo shard, you will pull your teammates from the very clutches of God.
Buy immediately early. Use to support your team and keep yourself alive. Sell as soon as you need a slot.
Buy ASAP. Use w/ Healing Rite to outsustain the enemy laner and support your lane buddy.
Buy when you have spare change.
Just a generally good item. buffs your CD even more.
Buy this ASAP. Brings cube downtime to 17 seconds every 9.
Obviously apply to cube. Brings cube downtime to 10 seconds every 8.
Even more "no kill me" time
You probably should apply this to Ball. But if you apply it to cube w/ cooldown and ethereal, brings cube downtime to 8 seconds every 14.1
Buy when you have spare dollars.
Improves your damage. Higher priority than improved spirit, lower priority than any of your cooldown reduction items.
This can be useful, but I often skip it. Your survivability is based mostly on cube.
Torment Pulse recc, others are situational
Just very good on you. Especially if you're a baller.
Situational based on enemy damage comp.
Situational based on enemy damage comp.
Really low priority, but improves on a gun slot if you need something to spend money on.
Your punch is good, and therefor this item is good. However, I'm still kinda bad at punching and this takes a spirit slot which are kinda precious to this build. Build this if you wanna build into punch more.
These all pump your CD. Stam is lowest priority
This thing is fucked. With everything else, you can make you or someone else utterly unkillable for 1 million hours.
Even more cooldown reduction. Buy this earlier if you plan on being ball a lot.
Very expensive, but it IS more cooldown reduction and spirit power, so...
You do kinda want this, but moving is overrated when you're cube maxxing. Plus you've got Ball anyhow.
Cube -> Echo -> Cube -> Ethereal Shift -> Ult/Refresher -> Repeat. You should focus on timing cubes to block enemy abilities, especially hard stuns and silences. Only use cube for general healing when you know you wont need it for ability blocking. Try to keep track of allied ults that cube is bad for. For example, always let Yamato or Giest ult to save themselves before you cube-save them.