Vindicta pode ir e vir à vontade, atacando uma presa e fazendo-a sangrar lentamente. Qualquer inimigo ferido deveria temer encontrá-la quando Vindicta estiver no mapa.
Vindicta pode ir e vir à vontade, atacando uma presa e fazendo-a sangrar lentamente. Qualquer inimigo ferido deveria temer encontrá-la quando Vindicta estiver no mapa.
Heavily based on Gun Gigio Dynamo. Lift people up with your 1, pump them full of lead, and avoid the consequences of your actions with your 2. Oh, and your 2's fire rate bonus is absolutely ridiculous. Use it.
There is an argument to be made for maxing out 2 instead of 3 after level 2 stomp, but generally the freedom of movement and speed boost are more valuable early on.
1 point on ult after level 2 Entanglement is completely optional, it's just nice to have. You can skip it if you want max teleport early.
HB first; then varies
Best laning phase item in the game. Insane prio and poke potential, upgrades into Headhunter, arguably your best item.
Ideally, you wanna get this after headshot booster; but it can be left for later if you're able to CS well without it. Definitely not optional, though.
Good damage, upgrades into Point Blank which is one of your best items.
When active, gives us REALLY nice early gun dmg. Barrier is quite nice too. Sell when tight on slots; ideally delay sell as much as possible.
Your 1 will do so much damage.
Your 1 is an amazing tool for pumping someone full of lead. More stomps = Good.
You're slow as hell. You need this.
You're slow as hell. You need this.
Either sell when out of slots or upgrade into Superior Reach. Gives our 1 a lot of range and improves our 2 decent bit
Take this or regen. Take if you're able to chip the opponent somewhat safely. Sell later.
Take this or restorative. Take if getting harassed really hard, where you need to keep cover. Sell later.
Sell later. Potentially upgradeable into Health Nova if you wanna be unkillable. In lane, this + your 3 makes you super durable.
Rush BRS and CB, in either order.
Lots of damage with some extra tankiness.
Somewhat optional; just nice to have, your cooldowns early on are pretty lengthy. Also upgrades into Superior Cooldown.
BUILDS INTO GLASS CANNON LATER If you need to sell an orange item, sell basic mag. This item is rly good for chasing people.
Somewhat optional; take this and/or Spirit Armor depending on enemy team comp.
Somewhat optional; take this and/or Bullet Armor depending on enemy team comp.
If you don't have the slots or money for armors, buy this. Speed boost is quite nice, you can give it to allies, and it combos well with fleetfoot.
Order isn't set, but rush Headhunter. Ideally keep basic mag until you're out of slots.
Arguably your best item. Important to rush; you will do so much headshot damage it's unreal.
You're a little less slow now, but the mobility is incredible. This and superior stamina are contenders for best items in the entire game.
Reccommended to rush after Headhunter. Combos really well with your 2; you empty your clip, pop 2, get all your ammo back, and get full intensifying rampup alongside the fire rate buff from your 2.
You are becoming more and more powerful. Squishies fear you.
Pop your 2 and you will kill anyone in sight. You shred through barriers. Stats are also really good.
Really good options, not always necessary.
In case you have trouble closing the gap, can't escape reliably, or just need the extra firepower + resist.
If the enemy team keeps chasing you down and really wants you dead, this is a must-have. Also useful if you find yourself struggling to make it to allies. Combos well with D. Barrier
The mobility is incredible, but this isn't strictly necessary if you're not struggling with mobility without it. I usually build this, but it's not mandatory
Generally left to right; exceptions to be made if necessary. We don't always build everything.
NOW THAT'S A WHOLE LOTTA DAMAGE GOD DAMN. Keep yourself alive with your 2 and 3 to prevent losing stacks. Use your now genuinely super good mobility.
Resists? Nah. They will all fall. Makes your already ludicrous headshot damage output even more ridiculous.
Uncommon addition, but if you build Healbane to counter a hero, upgrading to this is a no-brainer.
You know what this does. There's no escape. RUSH IF THINGS ARE GOING BAD.
Get this if they keep silencing you. You need your skills. Might be near mandatory against lategame Geist.
Good no matter what character you are. Dynamo relies a lot on his skills, so preventing disarms, silences and stuns is good.
Get around the same time as lategame; before or after glass cannon is good.
Super flexible; imbue your 4 for more ults since its cooldown is hella long, or your 2 for better uptime on your fire rate and plenty of instant reloads
Whether you take the 1250 armors or not, you wanna build this. You will be unkillable, I promise.
Whether you take the 1250 armors or not, you wanna build this. You will be unkillable, I promise.
Make your 1 even better. No one can escape you now. Good rush if things are going bad.
Your gun is amazing, but so is your 1. Might not be as useful against tankier teams.
If you didn't sell Mystic Reach, this is a good pick. Improves basically all our skils massively.
Haze. Yes, just her. Maybe Abrams, but 99% Haze.
Lash, Bebop AGAINST LASH: Hoard souls and wait until he has 3 Ability Points, and check if he has level 2 Ground Pound with the Tab key. If yes, then buy this. If no, build normally.
Infernus, Abrams, generally anyone with lifesteal
Infernus, Abrams, generally anyone with lifesteal
Seven, Bebop, Vindicta, Talon, just about anyone you wanna interrupt when ult is unavailable.
Honestly anyone that's skill-reliant. Wraith, Geist, Lash, etc.
The general gameplan is to use your gun's incredible accuracy earlygame to chip the opponent out, and potentially finish them off with a combo of your 1 and your gun. If that fails; farm. Farm like your life depends on it. You might start out a bit weaker at it, but as the match goes on your 1 will become an incredible tool to wipe out camps fast. On top of that, the fire rate from your 2 will help clear the camps out faster. Your 2 is possibly your single most important skill. The firerate buff is absolutely incredible, it can help you circumvent anything from Shiv's instakill, to Wraith's lift, to Bebop's bomb, to Seven's stun, to Vindicta's stake, and so, so much more. So long as you react in time and make sure you're intangible when the effect hits, you will be fine. Always headshot where possible. No matter what. Your DPS with consecutive headshots is ridiculous and your gun is super accurate. Take advantage of this game's relatively forgiving headshot hitboxes.
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