The Trapper can infest the battlefield with their haunted spiders, leaving latent curses in key areas. If you let the Trapper have their way, you won't be able to navigate the map without springing some sort of trap.
The Trapper can infest the battlefield with their haunted spiders, leaving latent curses in key areas. If you let the Trapper have their way, you won't be able to navigate the map without springing some sort of trap.
Please keep in mind that this is a nuke build, you must keep a neutral or higher souls count.
Do not mindlessly one shot enemies early game as them dying could not even secure tower most of the time,
so focus on one shotting t2 camps with actives plus burrow.
DM me on discord: buncraft if you need help or want to make suggestions
Purchase them in order
first thing to get, stacking souls increases damage and heal
it helps catch up to people and does good damage against farms/cleans waves if they are pushing too much early
Get this AFTER level 2 burrow otherwise it's pointless, gives heals and a lot of damage
Purchase this AFTER alchemical fire, otherwise the CD reduction and damage goes to waste
If you can't outheal the damage get this and skip cold front for infuser first, get cold front after infuser
Situational read descriptions.
helps with ganking if you won lane and snowballed, get it after main cores
get it if you're fed and most enemies are grounded, you won't die this way
Nasty infernuses can be a pain to kill so get this
Annoying tanks? make their life hell!
if you lane against an annoying enemy get this before torment. if no slots just sell ammo scavanger
Replace cold front with this if abrams or any other characters counter your burrow with mobility moves
Purchase this the moment you can, don't get gun upgrades as you can't even shoot while in burrow/ult just pop it before ulting
Get this after enchanter's barrier for survival and to meet the mid game dps gate so you can continue one shotting
Must have, helps escape or save lanes/teammates. speed stacks with burrow so you can get 22ms
burrow is DPS so the longer it lasts the more damage it does, same with ult and helps with duration on burrow and carpet
Mo's spirit moves scale HARD, and i mean 1.4 on burrow 1.1 on ult with HIGH damage from upgrades. get this when people outlive nukes
Get these if you feel quirky late game
if you're super fed 45-ish minutes in get this
I never tried this but it could be fun
If you're in phantom or above people will get knockdown to counter you A LOT so get this to counter gank stuns and dynamo
curse, use it before jumping someone with burrow or to cancel their ults (lash)
hilarious damage due to the late game scaling of mo
if you're being annoyed by haze + other gun characters get this
never tried it but i heard it works
Double burrow (untested)
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