O Armador pode infestar o campo de batalha com as suas aranhas assombradas, deixando maldições latentes em áreas importantes. Caso dê espaço para ele, você não conseguirá andar pelo mapa sem acionar algum tipo de armadilha.
O Armador pode infestar o campo de batalha com as suas aranhas assombradas, deixando maldições latentes em áreas importantes. Caso dê espaço para ele, você não conseguirá andar pelo mapa sem acionar algum tipo de armadilha.
extremely mobile slork gun carry that leverages reefcancelling to move very fast and be uncatchable
HOW TO REEFCANCEL: launch your harpoon while crouched (you can be moving in the air or stationary on the ground, but you cannot slide) and uncrouch to cancel the harpoon grab
this refunds the cast for free and makes slork the most mobile hero in the game, enjoy it while you can
buy in order, early stat items
buy if you're getting harassed and can't cloak heal
buy if you need an emergency heal before unlocking ult
buy in order, you rotate very fast so get active
imbue to 1, as slork's reload time scales with mag size this will become very important later
raw ammo and % ammo stack, scaling mag size very high
enhances cloak healing
buy against gun heavy heroes
buy against healing heavy heroes
buy against flyers or high-mobility heroes
preparing more mag size for burst fire
buffs firerate vs enemy heroes for more dps
no sorted order, buy when needed
using harpoon resets your airjumps and dashes, this lets you be far more mobile
imbue to 3 for extra hook range
buy against debuffers (e.g. pocket, bebop, infernus)
buy to stun ults or hard to reach targets
HUGE raw ammo increase, takes your ammo from 37 to 64 in one item
you basically have an autocannon at this point
extra items to mix and match for existing slots
buy against lategame heavy healers (e.g. infernus) or if you're fighting a support
buy to gank people with your mobility
upgrade from return fire if gun heroes are killing you
upgrade from bullet lifesteal for more sustain
makes you into a frontline tank
mods? kill this guy
makes people who get hit by spray unable to escape
Borrifada Escaldante
Abrir Brecha
Arpão Coralino
Emboscada do Espreitador