Com uma escopeta poderosa e um corpo esguio, Mala precisa fugir brevemente para dentro de uma maleta mística e se teletransportar com uma capa voadora para sobreviver a embates próximos.
Com uma escopeta poderosa e um corpo esguio, Mala precisa fugir brevemente para dentro de uma maleta mística e se teletransportar com uma capa voadora para sobreviver a embates próximos.
Eternus Seven OTP
Hover Over Items for Annotations
3 max then 2 max, Big Powerspikes at 8k and 16k Souls
Full Guide Available on Deadlock Discord in Guides Threads
Roughly Left to Right
Solid item, helps with clearing troopers and poking, builds into Titanic Magazine later on
Good if you're in a lane where your poke matters and could get you kills. Sell later if you need a weapon slot
Helps you survive early, especially great vs all in/burst heroes or executes, great vs Yamato, Shiv, Vindicta
14 Spirit power!!! on a 500 item, Health Regen and Health help with weak lane phase, builds into Improved Spirit later on
Some Spirit Lifesteal and some Health, builds into Slowing Hex later on
Buy as soon as you need it, sometimes first item. Great with HPW, just pop and grab some boxes
Seven's not the strongest laner so Regen Early helps to farm up, also good when winning to allow for aggressive trades.
Roughly Left to Right
Longer cast range than 2, so can use it to gap close and chase, Frees up a Vitality Slot for one of the Situationals on the right
Increases your DPS by a significant amount, helps you stay relevant while 3 on cooldown, and helps with farming ofcourse
Shoot while running, also allows you to slide up to 3 times without having to dash while activated
Still solid after the nerfs, gives you extra duration and cooldown on your 3
Spirit shield health and faster cooldowns for abilities and items + some ammo, builds into Superior Cooldown later on
Imbue on 3, more damage movespeed and firerate. Can pick up a bit earlier if you randomly have 3k souls
Fill Vitality Slots With These
Great defensive item, especially early on, also allows you to slide a few times after cast bc of the +2 movespeed
Great vs Healing Heroes such as Abrams/Gheist/Infernus etc, really easy to proc as Seven
Great value item vs CC heavy comps and Infernus/Pocket
Great vs Movement Speed Slows especially
Great vs Hybrid Damage + CC such as Wraith/Lash/Mo
If you're taking lots of Spirit Damage
If you're taking lots of Bullet Damage
Great vs Firerate reliant characters, builds into Mystic Slow later on
Gives a nice DPS increase and spirit lifesteal, only buy once you have maxed your 3 at 7.5k
Don't Hesitate to Slot in Situational Items in Between These Core Items
Gains more value if you already have some damage. Use flex slot or sell HPW for slot
Just a solid item, boosts all your abilities' damage, builds into Boundless Spirit later on
Imbue on 3, helps with its uptime, also gives ammo now!
Insanely broken item, especially vs Gun focused comps (Haze/Infernus/Vindicta/Talon etc)
Further increases your Spirit Power, no brainer pickup in late game. Also gives some HP
Great item, more firerate and spirit power on weapon item, sell Basic Mag for slot
Ordered by Relevance
If you want more movement speed/firerate and slide distance, solid item
Great if you're playing at range, also increases 3 falloff range
Vs lots of healing and tanky comps, Seven's not great at procing it though, healbane is easier to spread
No-brainer upgrade if you have the souls for it, but not a priority
Kind of a crutch item, it's good but only if you're not abusing permasliding on Seven for infinite ammo
Great late game weapon slot option, the shred also helps your teammates
Ordered By Relevance
VS Spirit heavy comps
VS Weapon-Heavy teams
Cleanses Pocket ult, Infernus burn or any other negative effect like a firerate slow
Great late game upgrade for Healbane (which is basically mandatory)
Can pop before Ult or just good vs Heavy CC comps
Great to survive dive, think Yamato, Shiv Abrams
Ordered by Relevance
If they have lots of threat onto you, pop this to dodge crucial abilities and/or stall for your team
Great item vs casters like Pocket, Lash Yamato, Gheist, guaranteed hit after stun
Great to deal with caster characters, pocket lash gheist yamato etc, also knocks vindicta/talon out of the sky
Big Spirit Amp, great late game pickup
If you want to make more use of your Balls
Raio Globular
Carga Elétrica
Surto de Energia
Nuvem Tempestuosa