Com a ajuda da sua assistente relutante, o Mágico pode confundir inimigos com feitiços teleguiados e cartas rápidas.
Com a ajuda da sua assistente relutante, o Mágico pode confundir inimigos com feitiços teleguiados e cartas rápidas.
Casually built to be a semi-accessible grenade burst/backup support.
Buy order is flexible within categories, but filling out slots and working your way up is generally efficient.
I most often end with 2/4 flex into Spirit (3 if dragging on), and a situational Vitality counter (either before Rescue Beam or in the 2nd flex)
Weapon 500s can be sold for early, cheaper boosts or saved until pricier late-game replacements if you have a stable lead.
Only partially annotated, some item familiarity will help most with the counters sections.
Feel free to rush 5th point grenade for an early power spike if the other lanes are handled.
Otherwise, the 1st point in path is strong and cheap for rotating early.
Sell this later! Replace with shredder bullets for an early boost or a 3000+ if you're stable enough to save and buy elsewhere.
Sell this later! Replace with shredder bullets for an early boost or a 3000+ if you're stable enough to save and buy elsewhere.
Sell/upgrade later
Watch their carry for your armor pick
I don't upgrade this, so it can be replaced with Fleetfoot for those with the preference.
For heavily RoF reliant heroes (Infernus/Haze in particular)
My team is all Spirit, baby. Lots of others will grab this, so check your team items to see if you really need another.
Grabbing DivBarrier/Knockdown/Weave? Stack those shields!
Anyone that spams abilities (Geist/Shiv/M&K/Mirage/Wraith/Visc/Etc.) will make this item shine durine lane phase.
1st Flex Surge
Keybind to activate, left click to reel them in! Works best on elevated ice path.
This can be upgraded relatively late, or sold as a 500 to be replaced with a counter/6200 option.
Gives your innate slows enough extra oomph to cause problems.
Teammates all bullet damage? Dump this under a dome with them and watch the magic!
Even if you hit several enemies, only one will reverberate, but don't let that stop you!
Patron: "Hooooow do you haaaave sooo many sooooouls?"
Granada Congelante
Caminho de Gelo
Feixe Ártico
Abrigo Gélido