Curas pontuais e o separamento preciso de uma luta entre equipes é a diferença entre uma vitória fácil e uma derrota desastrosa. Kelvin desliza no ar e desacelera inimigos, dando à sua equipe uma vantagem de manobra para alcançar qualquer objetivo.
Curas pontuais e o separamento preciso de uma luta entre equipes é a diferença entre uma vitória fácil e uma derrota desastrosa. Kelvin desliza no ar e desacelera inimigos, dando à sua equipe uma vantagem de manobra para alcançar qualquer objetivo.
Selling the build:
This build is about getting in there, being opportunistic and aggressive, throwing snowballs at folks whilst shooting them, then riding them down with our ice carpet and freezing beam. Emphasis on the “opportunistic” part. Farm the enemy farms with a snowball then run away on the ice carpet. Dive into the solo lane for a pick. In duo lane, chase down wounded enemies for that kill, we can take the damage most of the time and get out pretty consistently, then turn back for their friend. Don’t stop there. Take their ball, push their walker. Maybe check to see if their grieving husband or wife is in need of comfort? Salt that wound. We’re basically Lash.
How to play:
So, our gun does not shoot very fast to begin with, we’re going to change that ASAP. We’re also going to start “metaphorically” filling our snowballs with rocks and then eventually metaphorical glass to make sure people get hurt and we win this big snowball fight. Our gun hits pretty hard and gets a nice extra bit of damage from gun upgrades, so we will win a lot of fights if we play smart and use all of our abilities. With our combined abilities we can slow people down enough, even against gun builds, that we can shoot them from above whilst they run for their life. It’s pretty satisfying.
The abilities:
1-Snowball. This is our bread and butter ability, we want to be pelting people and mobs with this as often as possible to trigger our effects and get a good chunk of damage in. This ability is going to be relevant and powerful the whole game if upgraded properly.
2-The magical snow rug. Use this to get out of a bad situation, or to give your allies overwatch, or to chase down wounded foes whilst you pelt and slow them. It’s fantastic and will be great the whole game.
3-The slow beam. This thing is fantastic in the early game but drops off hard with this build. We are not a beam build and do not want to be. Do not try to force the beam. After the early game, use it exclusively to slow wounded characters or support allies in getting kills or escaping. It is not great at getting yourself out of situations though, it’s more of a get into situations ability. Keep that in mind.
4-Thunderdome-Funderdome. The dome is always best shared with a friend. Use it to rescue friends where able, though mostly use it aggressively to trap people, particularly on gun build characters. We are not that concerned about buffing this until the late game, so use your time inside wisely. Note, Bebop and his ult are not welcome in the Funderdome.
Buy usually in order from left to right
Bullet go fast and hurt. Good stuff (never sell)
We have begun to fill our snowballs with rocks. Aim for the eyes (never sell)
Our gun shoots very slowly, this will be a good item for a while but will be sold to swift striker when the time comes
More balls, more good (never sell)
Very good if lane is dicey, even if not loosing. It allows us to stay in the fight. Can pass if destroying. Sell to armor
More damage, more good. Sell this for something better when you have the cash
Very good early-mid game item, I often sell it in the late game as we get a lot of ammo from other items
We're going to be doing a lot of running in and out of combat, not that much rolling believe it or not
More rocks in our snowballs and some extra punch for our beam. Good stuff (never sell)
A good early item, but can sometimes skip for armor
A necessary evil somtimes. Avoid buying and sell as early as possible if you do buy
Rush if possible, left to right
So key, we aren't going to be going + on life in a fight like Haze or something but this means we can go in and out without dying slowly, Or running to heal.
We shoot too slowly to not have this in the early-mid game. Late game this can go for sure.
Shocking, a gun build that uses Quicksilver Reload? So bold. But really we want this so much. Put on Grenade (1)
Upgrade that run babe
This build gets in there mate, no barriers for us because we are going to get ****ed up. This means we get messed up a little less you know?
We're going to be up in the air like a clay pigeon from time to time. Let's not explode like they do
Read descriptions
**** gun characters, am I right?
Check enemy teams armor to see if this is necessary. Not usually important enough to warrant
This is not necessary in the early or mid game, but late game can be important. Buy only if you have the slot and the enemy has high armor
Thunderdone-Funderdome extension! This is another bullet character hate purchase most of the time, but it is also pretty great late game with all that enemy health
Mostly it's the slow we're after to hunt folks down. Do not get unless necessary or moving towards Glass Cannon. We just can't spare the slot
Left to right, but more flexible
This item is our God. All hail. Buy ASAP!
Glass time!
More shoot, more good.
Very important for living
Slightly less important than spirit shield but still good
A bit more glass in those snowballs
Snowball fight time! Pelt em!
This is one of the purchases we make when we're moving into the late game for Frenzy. It's good, and you can sometimes pick it up early if you're real agro
Not worth the money most of the time, we just need every dollar for other items. Good late game purchase though, for three of our abilities
Super **** gun characters, am I right? Also the slow is really good for chasing people down.
Thunderdome-Funderdome overtime!
I almost never get this, but if you go max fire rate it is good to have those extra bullets to take advantage
Hope the game does not go this long because we fall off a bit. Ordering not important this time, except Frenzy and EE, which are in order
Time to die? Maybe not. Get in there mate! (also **** gun builds am I right?)
Get in there and stay in there. Heal off everything and **** their healing? What a purchase
Slow em and kill em. Great item.
Fire fast to keep up with late game damage and supercharge those snowballs
We aren't pretending anymore. There are nails in our snowballs, now there are just so many they are poking out the sides. Such a good all round purchase
Late game purchase when we really need to reduce their spirit resist and hammer em with the balls. Can make the beam good too
Read the descriptions
If you absolutely HAVE to be a "nice guy." Honestly Kelvin is great at supporting and saving his teamates with pressure from his abilities. Not necessary
You know what this is for. I see you up there Vindicta!
Haze, Ivy, Wraith, the lizard thing, the list goes on. This item is great aginst them if they don't have much spirit damage yet, but ultimately very situational.
So, you've probably realised by now that we don't like gun builds. We're tanky, but not a tank. We do not like being shot. The bullet resist is pretty juicy tho, keep that in mind
A better anti-heal item for us than Healbane most of the time because we're doing the shooty thing. The damage is good too
You want Leech later, this is just to hate on healing until that time. I'm looking at you (insert the tens of healing characters)
Very situational, I almost never get this and I don't recommend it unless there are abilities out there kicking your *** because we need that spirit slot bad
Infernus, you *******! Also some other characters I guess
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