Curas pontuais e o separamento preciso de uma luta entre equipes é a diferença entre uma vitória fácil e uma derrota desastrosa. Kelvin desliza no ar e desacelera inimigos, dando à sua equipe uma vantagem de manobra para alcançar qualquer objetivo.
Curas pontuais e o separamento preciso de uma luta entre equipes é a diferença entre uma vitória fácil e uma derrota desastrosa. Kelvin desliza no ar e desacelera inimigos, dando à sua equipe uma vantagem de manobra para alcançar qualquer objetivo.
So, this is a build that focuses on doming 1 person and then you doing a 1 v 1 with them that you have a significant advantage in. I got to top 10 on the kelvin leaderboard with this build when he was really bad so it does work quite well.
Use with beam mostly
This is when you should start going for 1 v 1 domes
Start moving around the map and ganking people whenever you can, this is when you are strongest even if you're having a rough game. You NEED to get as much as an advantage in this time as possible, because you do not scale well. Also don't just spam punches, I hide the first punch with casting dome and then just shoot them with point blank, faking out parries is smart tho if you know they parry
Sell infuser if you need a slot
Honestly use this on yourself a lot, it's great for self healing when in a 1 v 1
You're still powerful but you need to be more careful with who you choose, unless you're just owning them, then go ham
Sell high velocity to get
Put on dome if you're owning, nade if you're not
For if the game goes very long, you don't really scale well so focus on trying to make sure you get your teammates in the dome with you
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