Curas pontuais e o separamento preciso de uma luta entre equipes é a diferença entre uma vitória fácil e uma derrota desastrosa. Kelvin desliza no ar e desacelera inimigos, dando à sua equipe uma vantagem de manobra para alcançar qualquer objetivo.
Curas pontuais e o separamento preciso de uma luta entre equipes é a diferença entre uma vitória fácil e uma derrota desastrosa. Kelvin desliza no ar e desacelera inimigos, dando à sua equipe uma vantagem de manobra para alcançar qualquer objetivo.
Lane Phase: Open most fights with Ice path < Infuser < Beam.
High Velocity will be needed if struggling with Soul securing, otherwise
secure with beam.
Early Phase: Get to farming some camps, and some usual Ganks,
support as much as possible whether through Dmg or Heals.
Mid Phase: Open up fights with Alchemical Fire, try to cover
as much ground as possible, support whenever needed.
Late Game: Start leaning into offense more often, as wisely as possible
otherwise lash or someone with CC will drag you out of the Sky.
Try not to mess up your Ult too much.
people don't like
Kelvin Ult.
Infuser is Crutch, High Velocity for Securing and some Healing
Very crutch Item, use before iniating a fight with someone, or use before throwing a grenade.
Great for Reaching further out with beam, and a bigger blast radius on Grenade.
Basic Spirit Damage
Early Spirit power and Gun damage (buy High Velocity first if struggling to secure souls).
Mainly for securing souls, Sell first rather than Hollow Point.
Replaceable with Extra stamina if needed.
Added Spirit Power and Sustain.
Healing Nova Requisite, don't feel bad for using it.
In case you need to sustain yourself out there.
Healing Nova FIRST, rest is up to what you need
Great for Lane Phase to sustain yourself or teammates (Buy healing booster for greater effect).
Priotize over items like Enchanter's and Mystic Vuln as you will need to sustain very early.
Great Anti-Spirit, and Great Spirit Dmg, Sellable later on.
Anti Sustain, great counter for other Sustain Characters
Solid for faster Ice path movement (If you still feel slow get Upgrade 1 on ice path).
Left to Right is Recommended
Great for annoying Fire rate Characters, also helpful in providing pressure in a Fight.
Basic Cooldown (Especially for Ice path)
Paired with Echanter's Barrier, Infuser, your beam will do some serious work on your enemies (Not sustainable Alone).
Standard Duration extender
Basic Support items (Read Annotations)
Sell Healing Nova, buy this, useful for getting teammates out sticky situations or simply healing them.
Not necessarily a "Support" Item but great for getting to Teammates or Moving around the map.
More move speed for Farming & Ganking, fairly useful for nearby teammates (such as while in Ice dome)
Imbue all on 3, Alch Fire for everything
Alchemical Fire is just an all around great item.
Great for countering fire rate Characters, and even better for applying pressure in a team fight.
More Dmg, try to get boundless as soon as possbile if stomping other team.
Cooldown for Beam and other Abilities.
Better reach on beam, helpful for staying back yet still dealing Dmg.
Duration for other abilities.
Buy either Leech or Boundless first (Dmg or Heals)
An overall great buff to your Spirit Dmg.
Your one an only Lifesteal.
Great for decreasing a Teams Spirit resist in a fight, buy before or after Leech if you care for Dmg or Lifesteal.
More Grenade damage, especially within grouped up enemies.
These can be bought whenever you need it
As little of an impact you'll feel, it is still very nice to have.
Very good against "Burst heroes" such as Lash, Bebop, Haze (In some cases), Wraith, Talon, Etc.
If you need it buy it if not ignore.
Solid for escaping Ults, or Engaging.
A Last resort for anything, recommend having atleast two flex slots.
Granada Congelante
Caminho de Gelo
Feixe Ártico
Abrigo Gélido