Blob innervosisce i suoi avversari grazie ad astute tecniche di evasione e all'uso strategico della guarigione, tattiche che gli consentono di resistere agli attacchi nemici più brutali.
Blob innervosisce i suoi avversari grazie ad astute tecniche di evasione e all'uso strategico della guarigione, tattiche che gli consentono di resistere agli attacchi nemici più brutali.
A WIP for a build that makes enemies despise you. - THETA ZERO
I like to buy these in order. Your fist is extremely tempting to spam but you mostly want to save it for predictable strikes (especially enemies retreating up stairs on the new map design).
It's like Restorative Shot but for your hands. Your goo fist also counts for this.
I like healing, yes I do. I like healing, how about you?
If you're paying attention, your 1 will do more damage after a melee. But I'm too stupid.
Please assume the position.
Because you got to hit 'em with something while your fist is on cooldown.
Since your ult gives you resistances, you scale a lot better with a high health pool!
Lets you fist, suck, and shoot goo to your heart's content.
You don't have much in the way of easy mobility options, so an extra stamina bar is nice.
This thing is in every build these days, isn't it?
Skip to big purchases if need be.
Your gun hurts. Since you have great escape options, you should always look to split push.
Landing your 3 also reloads your gun late game, which is helpful for stealing farms, you scamp.
Lets you Cancel your Heavy Melee to perform a Heavy Melee Cancel.
I put this on the punch. I don't find myself in situations where I needed the cube 2 seconds earlier.
In theory, your healing shouldn't be that good, but since the cube has debuff remover, it's great!
When it works, you can even boost you or your buddies with a punch! When it doesn't, it's JANK.
By this point, your enemies will look for your cube and wait. Surprise! SECOND CUBE!
You spam punches pretty quickly, so it's a little absurd how much you can shut down an escape attempt.
If they like playing with your balls, use this for protection. Oh, and also free cooldown reduction.
Wanna pay $6,000 for a 12% cooldown reduction? Of course you do!
You make big plays. That deserves a big health bar.
Makes your fist do stuff or something. I don't care. This game should've been over by now.
Why are you getting shot?
Bro, just buy Metal Skin.
Have you considered hanging farther back?
Are you sure you're playing safe? I never really needed this.
It's okay but you don't do a lot of spirit damage often.
You'll want this for... something... I guess.
Your cube is a Debuff Remover, dummy!
Lets you stall for, like, a minute!
no boolet
Il cubo
Pugno pozza
Palla di melma