Elektro è uno specialista in imboscate. Al momento opportuno, appare dal nulla e scatena una tempesta di fulmini sulla squadra nemica.
Elektro è uno specialista in imboscate. Al momento opportuno, appare dal nulla e scatena una tempesta di fulmini sulla squadra nemica.
Get nice and speedy with the help of a lot of spirit. Melee charge cancel with fleetfoot to get away/initiate. Try and rabbit in teamfights and punch the shit out of it. Remember that Assistant has crazzzzy aim assist and abuse the crap out of it early game. Try and pick a lane with good Ults to steal (Lash, Seven, Dynamo, Mo) You cant ult TWICE as often as your opponent due to the 50% cooldown on ult sinclair gets. Abuse this fact with low cooldown ults (Pardox, Mo, Vindicta). Vindictas ult is on a very short cooldown so use it to poke if you steel it. If you keep at least 1 charge of it at all times im pretty sure you can steel Vindicta Ult until death. Needs more testing. Lane should be pretty easy.
Sell for Melee Charge or Fleetfoot
Sell for Burstfire
Sell for Locket
Sell for Debuff Reducer
Use HMC with fleetfoot for crazy mobility. Assistant can be used for escapes/safely pushing walkers. Try and rabbit for team fights. Punch the bunny.
Allows for quicker jungling, fast wave clear, or burst in team fight. Sell Late game if needed
Get a lil speedy
With our ability to get out of fights easily Fortitude lets us stick around to come back in.
Imbue Rabbit or ULT if you have a good one to copy. Low on health? Rabbit from afar/around corners while Fortitude heals
Godlike for Bunny and all ults basically. Good Movement too
Rush early if against debuff heavy team (Mo, Infernus, Pocket, etc)
Buy if needed. Good with Seven Ult
Become very speedy. Buy earlier if you end up rich
Get at least 1 armor at somepoint depending on their build (Usually Spirit armor in this meta)
The G.O.A.T
Buy for Seven Ult
Raggio persecutorio
Assistente spettrale
Maledizione del coniglio
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