Impedendo il movimento degli avversari e punendo chi guarda nella sua direzione, Noir crea opportunità per pugnalare i suoi nemici alla schiena.
Impedendo il movimento degli avversari e punendo chi guarda nella sua direzione, Noir crea opportunità per pugnalare i suoi nemici alla schiena.
Gun raven build a lot more refined, still testing a few things but it's mostly set. Barriers + veil walker is intended for more of a focus on damage whereas going for armors + siphon bullets is if you want to be a lot more tanky. Leaving it up for others to also test out! Tell me feedback in the raven channel in the discord! I strim using these builds sometimes too at
Any order you feel is necessary. Look for resto shot/HR if you are struggling in lane. Headshot booster to apply more pressure.
Buy early if you are concerned about being bursted with large amounts of damage
Imbue Blindside (1)
If you want to play around shields, take both barriers and then veil walker later on, if not buy armors instead. No set order on how you buy things, do what you are comfortable with. Buy situational counters at this point if you need to e.g knockdown for vindicta.
Synergises well with ultimate
If you bought barriers, take veil walker first then crippling, if not, buy siphon bullets then armor upgrades if necessary. Take the rest as needed.
At the moment this is bugged and WILL NOT make you invisible in game, however when it's not this will be even better. Only buy with barriers.
Blindside passive procs on ricochetted enemies if they are not facing you directly
If you need antiheal
Good if you are playing with armors + fortitude to be extremely tanky. Do NOT purchase if you have bought barriers/veil walker
Lots of slows preventing you from being mobile
Heavy bullet focused builds/chars
Would be so cool if this actually worked against magician
aerial heroes
Dodge a lot of bullshit
Bad time in lane
helps stop certain heroes from escaping so easily via their movement abilities
for singular targets who do a lot of healing, can purchase earlier than toxic bullets
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