Abrams ha la forza e la resistenza per condurre la battaglia in prima linea. Spesso si ritrova solo in mezzo alla squadra nemica, che si disperde al suo passaggio. Se i suoi nemici sprecano i loro proiettili su di lui, i suoi compagni di squadra nelle retrovie ne approfittano per infliggere impunemente danni.
Abrams ha la forza e la resistenza per condurre la battaglia in prima linea. Spesso si ritrova solo in mezzo alla squadra nemica, che si disperde al suo passaggio. Se i suoi nemici sprecano i loro proiettili su di lui, i suoi compagni di squadra nelle retrovie ne approfittano per infliggere impunemente danni.
(WIP) Early test build. Focus on bolts & assistant damage early, late game teamfights massive rabbit CC with good burst.
Can start 1 or 2, situational & perference.
Buy fast at 500 souls. Combo Infuser with assistant + bolt to nearly 1 shot anyone.
Sell for Healbane after lane.
Keep instead of Extra Health if you need to buy.
Sell Infuser for Cooldown or Duration slot. Replace Extra Health with any situational green.
Can be delayed if you're stuck on flex slots.
Buy before Duration Extender if stuck on flex slots.
Can buy earlier if need more mobility (vs Warden or Slowing Hexes)
Imbues: Reach = 3, Duration = 3, Cooldown = 1, 2 or 3 (1 carry, 2 escape, 3 support)
Buy before Duration Extender if stuck on flex slots.
Can buy earlier if you need the sustain out in the field.
Luxury sustain item, can buy if stuck on flex slots.
Buy as needed.
Strong positioning item, helps against gank/dive heavy comps. You can buy immediately after Echo Shard if needed.
Late game luxury
Late game luxury if you're carrying. Imbue 1
Luxury sustain item, can buy if stuck on flex slots.
All of these items can be used defensively against certain heroes or in combination with certain ults.
Buy if you want to focus on stealing Seven/Warden ults
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