Dengan senjata kuat (dan dibarengi dengan racun yang mematikan), Vyper dapat melata ke belakang tim musuh dan membunuh target dengan prioritas tinggi saat hujan peluru.
Dengan senjata kuat (dan dibarengi dengan racun yang mematikan), Vyper dapat melata ke belakang tim musuh dan membunuh target dengan prioritas tinggi saat hujan peluru.
lane like a pussy and steal kills. A decent mix of gun and spirit damage. You will die quick but thats just a vindicta thing. Play smart with your surroundings, use that extra stamina and flight catapults
Laning, save all points for ult
I <3 denies
busted item, extra ammo + spirit for crows in lane. Make sure to play safe. Sell for improved spirit
testing alternatives, long range is good in lane but sharpshooter move penalty sucks
good statline, sell first if in need of slot
good on new map
get earlier if against heavy burst lane
for early ult picks, make sure to comm for those souls
very good, never sell
for early game fights, usually I dont have any sort of lifesteal til endgame
Post Lane
on 3
applies very easily, helps secure ults
watch the -5 res, but still very helpful and I never sell
very easy to get value with QS and flight +50% ammo. Insane for a 3k
vindicta has no hp
good item, more machine gun + mobil to escape people
ult? can just skip and do pure gun
Put on 4 or 2 if you cant hit them. Rush very early game if possible
so your ult doesnt hit like a wet noodle, Sell scav
more ults, extra weapon damage. Not required later game
Armors if you die
I hate lash
i hate haze
Lucky Shot did not need a buff
very good, gets to ult range quicker
extra bullet shield, does come with some drawbacks. possible to just use long range
broken item
for ults that actually hurt
put on flight for more uptime, benefits 2/3 and escalating
Extra Souls
when in panic, very good on new map
you know
more everything damage, more fire rate. Buy if super fed
general nuisance + shutdown. Shiv, Geist, Mo, etc
because crows didnt already do -18 of both
being annoying
more machine gun more damage
Please help me, situationals
losing lane/keeping hollow point up
can help against bebop/mo/seven etc early game, sell later on
anti haze dive
insane against bebop, knockdown, afterburn, etc
to avoid huge cc/hits
get if slows fuck you while flying
play like a bitch, comm to get assassinates or you will not have a fun time. a 3k lead early on can make the game unplayable for the enemies. Mainly a gun melt build, assassinate has been nerfed time and time again
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