Haze mengunci target dan menguasai setiap baku tembak. Dia lebih suka melakukan serangan sepihak, menghindari damage, dan menarget musuh yang tidak menyadari kehadirannya.
Haze mengunci target dan menguasai setiap baku tembak. Dia lebih suka melakukan serangan sepihak, menghindari damage, dan menarget musuh yang tidak menyadari kehadirannya.
UPDATED 1/16! – (Chrome’s) Rapid Haze is a gun-centric, gank focused roamer build that exceeds in lockdown kill potential. We rapidly – haha – scale our offensive, defensive, and technical skills with special care, creating an effective mixture of high damage, strong sustain, and helpful tools. Visit the full written guide in Deadlock’s official Discord server for further details and to ask any questions :)
AS → ER → RR → ES
Sell for late game tech.
Sell for Spirit Armor.
It's best to sell Ammo Scavenger or Headshot Booster before this when choked on slots.
If laning against a hero with large, telegraphed damage such as Geist Bomb, Viscous Splatter, or Warden Cage, buy this 3rd.
If you’re suffering from large chunks of damage or need to quickly regen in-lane after a tough 1v1, pick this up. Sell for Combat Barrier.
To put pressure on your opponent in lane. This is well applied in winning lanes to capitalize on momentum, and against lane opponents who are fond of standing out from cover regardless of advantaged / disadvantaged lane state.
SS → BL → CB
BRS → KD → QSR (Dagger) → SB
QSR is most effectively used at the end of your first clip to extend your damage whether against an enemy, tower, or camp. It can also be used to extend the buff of Kinetic Dash to two clips.
Our default ganking relic, an excellent tool for locking down enemies into your Bullet Dance or otherwise.
Against Tanks & Leeches like Abrams, Shiv, and Geist. Use this during a gank or to push them away in a team fight.
If your opponent has high weapon damage output, use this during a gank to create a one-sided exchange. Best against Wraith, Ivy, McGinnis, Talon, etc.
If you are getting heavily CC'd in Bullet Dance or otherwise, I advise you buy this before the other T4 options. Unstoppable does a lot to keep us alive in Late Game.
When facing heavy spirit users, which is frequent, new Silencer shuts them down completely.
No Order, Read Annotations!
A straightforward “nerf” relic for our late game, it’s impossible to go wrong with Inhibitor. Especially helpful for outliving fights against metal skinned enemies.
A strong relic to pierce through the pervasive Bullet Armor present in the current meta. Crippling Headshot frequently out damages Lucky Shot currently, and is considered the optimal choice for maximizing damage.
To combat rampant gun builds, especially those that thrive off of burst interactions (Bebop hook combo, McGinnis wall combo, etc.)
A strong pairing with gun or Ult to briefly increase your sustain and keep enemies locked around you. If incoming CC is low, this can supersede Unstoppable.
If their team has a massive carry, Curse is sometimes a requirement to kill them and turn a teamfight.
An essential purchase at some point, it’s important to sense when that is exactly in the match. Frequently around the 11-15 minute mark.
Another essential purchase, but can be picked up much later in the round. Any time after Spiritual Overflow is ideal.
Check out the Discord Guide for details and to ask any questions.
Hover over relics to check out helpful annotations for use cases and general tips.
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