Warden leads from the front, jumping into the fray and hindering his opponents' ability to fight effectively. But what Warden considers brave, others consider reckless, and if he's not careful he can easily find himself in over his head.
Warden leads from the front, jumping into the fray and hindering his opponents' ability to fight effectively. But what Warden considers brave, others consider reckless, and if he's not careful he can easily find himself in over his head.
Since turret damage got absolutely borked the idea is to use turrets to apply debuffs and not invest too much into their damage.
The Tesla Bullets proc also applies the same debuffs as the turrets and helps farm faster.
You'll have respectable damage a ton of heals, and a very respectable life pool.
First 3k souls go to 500s, then immediately spend 3k on tesla.
Get this after the 500s in lane to farm everything else faster. Procs from this activate your debuffs.
Left to right is generally correct.
Increases gun damage output substantially.
Solid mobility item - helps farm faster and get into/out of team fights.
A nice survivability boost, helps kill heroes with sustain.
After you get this you'll notice your solo kill potential increase dramatically. Combined with turret slow, your opponents will be at or near minimum move speed.
A good defensive debuff against gun-based builds.
Amp your team's damage. Lowest priority debuff for your turrets, definitely buy after all others.
You can upgrade to this later when you have souls but no slots available.
Spam more turrets for more area coverage.
Get healing booster and Healing Nova after early turret utility.
Prioritize this and Healing Nova immediately after Suppressor from the early/mid turret utility above.
This is good in the early parts of the game post-laning but the healing can fall off late-game, so you can sell it for better options.
Surprisingly offensive, helps you slip in and out of fights more easily while giving a good amount of health, fire rate, and spirit power.
You have some base bullet armor so you only need this against gun-heavy lineups.
If your team wants to be out on the map ganking a lot, join them by buying this.
Situational - good vs sustained bullet damage, not so good against burst spirit.
If you're getting crazy good farm, rush Ricochet.
Super luxury item. Your bullets bounce, tesla bounces, applying all your debuffs.
Wins team fights combined w/ Ricochet.
Situational against very tanky line-ups.
Mini Turret
Medicinal Specter
Spectral Wall
Heavy Barrage