Warden leads from the front, jumping into the fray and hindering his opponents' ability to fight effectively. But what Warden considers brave, others consider reckless, and if he's not careful he can easily find himself in over his head.
Warden leads from the front, jumping into the fray and hindering his opponents' ability to fight effectively. But what Warden considers brave, others consider reckless, and if he's not careful he can easily find himself in over his head.
So basically your combo is going to be bunny --> assistant ---> bolts for people and you can usually burst them down before they can easily react.
This build is meant to be snowbally, you have insane single target damage both to people and objs. USE CLONE TO TAKE OBJS PLEASE THE DOUBLE BOLTS SHRED THEM ESPECIALLY WITH TIER TWOS.
This build isn't in a particular order, just buy depending on game state though I did try and place them in the order I buy.
Main obj, push your lane, poke and maybe kill (people underestimate clone and bolt damage early) and roam. You are like haze if they leave you alone in lane you can shred towers with tier two items.
Late game try and apply pressure, look for picks but dont push too far out if enemies aren't visible and if they let you split pushing is easy since your 1v1 is so stacked in your favour.
I reccomend getting purples, greens, then oranges.
Can build this or extra charge first, either more damage or bolts.
Read bursts ya loser...
mmmmm spirit power.
Be the slipper bastard dodging those child support payments. (the enemy abilities)
push, kill, roam, kill, repeat
Power and healing early.
extra spirit power and shield
so you can contest souls easily, will build into pristine later.
These are core but feel free to itemize against enemy team.
With tier 2 bolts you shred their armors.
you rely on your abilities so ya know, kinda need cooldowns. (will need flex slot).
cooldown and power, also a nice little shield. (can sell later for other items)
movement for roaming and farming.
Get if they have a lot of healing, DON'T UNDERESTIMATE HEALING AFTER PATCH
Spirit power and some nice extra damage on gun. (can easily sell later for other items).
more spirit and movement.
more bolts, the cooldown between each one helps a lot.
imbue either the bolts or bunny, not clone or ult.
big boom bolts
literally just the spirit power is why I buy this.
imbue clone, you shouldn't need more time on bunny for kill.
Some spirit and survivability with your clone tp. (really good but sometimes I skip)
If you thought wraith was bad wait until you meet a good magician with this
more spirit and movement speed
Shreds with your clone and bolts.
Apply on 1 (bolts)
Just some extra cds and survivability
Can be a nice early but I prefer spiritual overflow (I cant aim)
I find can be better than spellslinger headshots especially in extended team fights, but I usually rely on bursting more.
Same with infuser, I prefer to rush 3 top spirits and roam
Nice early burst damage, I just dont like it.
This and silence glyph can be nice out of invis
Read curse
If they are smart to buy silencing
Read debuff
Vexing Bolt
Spectral Assistant
Rabbit Hex
Grand Finale!