The Trapper can infest the battlefield with their haunted spiders, leaving latent curses in key areas. If you let the Trapper have their way, you won't be able to navigate the map without springing some sort of trap.
The Trapper can infest the battlefield with their haunted spiders, leaving latent curses in key areas. If you let the Trapper have their way, you won't be able to navigate the map without springing some sort of trap.
Sup, basically this build is meant for early ball games with power spike at maxed ball around 7.5k, then big lightning energy with 3rd could try it out if bored tbh,
Added few changes with ult build when you are just pretty useless
you love money and I do aswell
just buy for farm can do it early though
a loooot of damage
one of the most important items, you can make slowing hex later if you have infernus/lash against you
buy when ball is at 2 skill points
item just for farm tbh, sell later
better buy ER
You are playing against warden
buy when you have flex slots 3 and 4
buy when you have flex slots 3 and 4
if you need it buy it, but no reason most of the time, just go ahead and buy leech
buy for farm a lot of spirit is always nice
buy before fleetfoots but not really needed in late stage
Buy RR first
lovely addition to my collection of damage
buy it after you upgrade your 3rd
2nd flex slot be like
real nice to have but not always
decent at the start
either 1st or 4th depends what you like more, also if you want for your stun and echo shard to be at the same time good
buy right after maxed out 3rd around 17k
just buy it
buy it for sooo many reasons that I am lazy to write about
if you have money, why not?
buy in late, when you really need damage
something that I buy sometimes
really nice to have most of the time
buy it if you are rich
buy it if you are rich
buy it if you are rich
dumb ways not to die
dumb ways not to die
stranger things be like
vindicta is annoying and no one has it, but better ask team to buy it
good if yamato and haze are the problems probably against lash with abrams too with their ulties
I am done with stuns stupid ults and etc.
Really good for armor heavy late game
I am done with all those yamato ults
good if you don't wanna buy boots
you got leech they got healbane/toxic bullets/decay? buy it
lash, haze or whatever else buy it
lash is an asshole. infernus is annoying.
why not
why not
double stun go brrrrrr
double stun which is also long go brrrrr
Lightning Ball
Static Charge
Power Surge
Storm Cloud