Ivy has disruptive combat tricks that slow and stun enemies. She's most effective when linking up with an ally, empowering her and her ally's guns as well as sharing heals.
Ivy has disruptive combat tricks that slow and stun enemies. She's most effective when linking up with an ally, empowering her and her ally's guns as well as sharing heals.
This is a bomb/spirit build centered around doing as much damage as possible with your combo.
The combo is Hook -> Uppercut -> Bomb -> Echo -> Bomb.
Early game you want to build as many bomb stacks as possible so make sure you're using it on cooldown and trying to secure the kill after a hook combo.
Late game you want to initiate fights by hooking someone into your team or getting solo picks if you're very fed.
Also make sure you're using your ult as much as possible to secure kills/win team fights
Pick one
The usual option
Get this instead in stun heavy lanes
Get bombs on your enemies as much as possible
This item will likely get sold later
Largest power spike of the build. Hook->Uppercut->Bomb->Echo->Bomb
Late game spirit items outperform this, sell if you need slots for situational items
Pick One
When you have souls but no flex slots
Buy whichever armor is more needed in your current game. Spirit armor first if you're not sure
Sell regen item
Full Spirit to increase bomba/beam
Imbue bomb
If having flex slot issues, buy this before Surge of Power. Imbue bomb
You won't get these 99% of the time
Sell Monster Rounds, shoot enemies in the air after your combo for big damage increase. Cooldown reduction also nice
Hook/Beam more often
Huge beam damage increase, small bomb damage increase
Also good for setting up ult
Exploding Uppercut
Sticky Bomb
Hyper Beam