De par son excellente mobilité, Vindicta peut choisir sa proie, l'attaquer et la vider de son sang lentement. Peu importe la distance : en cas de blessure, ses adversaires ont intérêt à rester hors de sa ligne de mire.
De par son excellente mobilité, Vindicta peut choisir sa proie, l'attaquer et la vider de son sang lentement. Peu importe la distance : en cas de blessure, ses adversaires ont intérêt à rester hors de sa ligne de mire.
Build for allowing your carry to win games a lot easier.
Centered around your 3.
Duoing with your buddy who you want to ask out but are too scared to do so? Use this build for unimaginable amounts of charm. Support your crush/bestie with your 3 and clear space for them while they push and you sit back, relax, and give "THROWIN CHEM!" for every kill they get.
Push with your buddy and start destroying their hopes and dreams.
I don't need to state it anymore; your gun is busted good.
Clear waves for your buddy to push and get kills with.
Nice to have if you want to fill your oranges. (OPTIONAL)
Always amazing early game to stay up and get early power.
Get in, get out quick. Innuendo here or something.
Give to your buddy for some good heals.
More traps so your buddy can push up and get that dub! (SELL LATER FOR SLOTS)
More spirit so you can get extra health for that spirit shield.
Effects all of your abilities, very nice!
Listen to your buddy on their amazing plays as you dream about your potential future with them.
More damage to fill up your gun. Don't have to get immediately if you REALLY are the shield god you say you are.
Your shield damage will now apply anti-heal!
In case they want to speed blitz them with even more spirit shield.
Always an amazing heal to have. (SKIP/SELL RITE IF YOU GET THIS)
Get this if you're in a polyamorous relationship with others in your lane/area.
More duration on your shield = a lot of slop in the bed.
More cooldowns on all of your abilities! Hip hip!
Shield will now apply vulerability to nearby targets, amazing debuffs.
Shield now applies fire slow. These debuffs WILL stack up heavily.
Hold hands with your lover and go off into the sun together.
Two jars, one Trapper. I hate that joke a lot, very low hanging fruit.
Be the knight in shining armor for your duo. Sell other actives if no space.
(IMBUE 3) More range on your shield for more effectiveness!
Spirit is always amazing, it's good to focus on yourself in a relationship.
Even more slow with your shield while your buddy goes in and kills everybody.
(IMBUE 3) More shield uptime for your buddy.
(IMBUE 3) If this build gets you mad play, message me on Steam.
March down the wedding aisle of your lane and start winning some games.
More spirit = More Shield health and damage.
Probably an infinite uptime on your shield if your buddy doesn't get shredded immediately.
More exposure for your duo to get insane amounts of kills.
Ask your potential partner what to get in case you don't know.
Listen to your partner and hear what they are complaining about. It's like your partner complaining about dirty dishes and then doing the dishes for them. Be a good partner and rise to the occassion.
In case the debuffs are insufferable to deal with for yourself.
If your duo can't get those pesky flying guys/ults without Unstobbable, get this.
Your 1 and 2 already silence them enough, so Glyph is already built into your kit. Use your 1 and 2 to help deal with anyone trying to use abilities to deal with your partner.
Piège de soie
Bouclier parasite
Nuée aranéide