Silhouette frêle avec un fusil à pompe puissant à la main, Pocket peut se réfugier à tout moment dans sa mallette mystique et se téléporter vers sa redingote volante afin de survivre aux affrontements trop risqués.
Silhouette frêle avec un fusil à pompe puissant à la main, Pocket peut se réfugier à tout moment dans sa mallette mystique et se téléporter vers sa redingote volante afin de survivre aux affrontements trop risqués.
Mirage build designed around stealing HP with Scarabs and
Siphon Bullets to tank and initiate fights for your team.
As the game progresses you become tankier and your Hybrid
damage output starts to ramp up dramatically. You become
extremely difficult to kill and very mobile. Specializes in killing
OTHER Tanks like Abrams, Shiv, Infernus, MnK, etc.
Follow the Core build Left -> Right. Imbue QSR on 3. -3.75k Souls
Proc as often as possible to bully heroes out of lane or trade damage effectively.
We are playing in close range with this build. Close Quarters gives us a shield for early duels and good damage.
Beefing up early during the laning phase. Combined with Scarabs + Extra Spirit, you will already soak damage decently.
The extra stats are nice in lane. But we are mostly planting the seed for Imp Spirit much later.
Imbue on 3. Abuse 3's short cooldown to reload with QSR and apply Bullet Resist Shredder, Supressor, and Mystic Slow as often as possible.
One extra stamina helps pair well with aggressive Tornado use. We also get more HP and fire rate.
The extra passive heal can help keep you in lanes where you are being seiged under your Guardian.
For emergency healing situations or when you are learning how to lane.
These allow you to start dueling. -11.75k Soul
We abuse 3's short cooldown to apply BSR as often as we can. Melee Resistance helps us stay alive in the close range.
First major power spike. You can start being aggressive if you get this on curve and are not behind.
Primary source of Spirt Armor. We take this as the laning phase comes to an end and enemy abilities begin to Scale.
This build is designed to survive for long fights. Berserker helps us overpower enemies as fights drag on and they get weaker.
Lifesteal. Important even if they build healing reduction.
Counter pick if needed.
You are online after Fort + IM + Siphon. -33k
Core item of the build. Shred tanks, delete squishy targets, gain huge amounts of life in a team fight.
Never have to return to base. Teleport around and heal completely in between engagements. Also provides a massive amount of HP.
This will frequently put enemies into negative bullet resistance. Which actually gives us % increased damage against them.
Extremely potent in the Spirit meta. Silencing enemies is great but we also get debuff reduction + Spirit resist.
Another chunk of Bullet Resist. Since we want to be up close, this is a big damage bonus for something we already do.
Always take Spirit Armor.
We HAVE to take Imp Spirit Armor. It is our primary source of Spirit Resistance.
For Haze, Wraith, and other Weapon builds.
Scale into late game. Order is less important.
We frequently and safely fall below 50% HP on this build. We can hit 80% bullet resist and get a massive damage boost via ammo + firerate.
Alternate choices for other items.
Scarabées de feu
Marque de Djinn