Dynamo protège sa vie et celle de son équipe, à l'affut du bon moment pour frapper. Peu de choses peuvent changer le cours d'un combat d'équipes comme une utilisation bien coordonnée de Singularité.
Dynamo protège sa vie et celle de son équipe, à l'affut du bon moment pour frapper. Peu de choses peuvent changer le cours d'un combat d'équipes comme une utilisation bien coordonnée de Singularité.
Reworked a bit - VERY in depth and full of yap.
Buy all - Rite not needed if having a good time - CQ over HPW if u need to get point blank later for melee resist
Mystic SSB and Imp CD first always - KDASH/WARP preference - can spare the active slot - rush diviners after spirit life steal - spirit life steal replaces enduring - diviners replaces infuser - majestic replaces healing rite - grab physical damage shield if did not go stamina earlier - PB ONLY IF grabbed CQ earlier for melee resist against ceratin heroes
Improved burst later as enemies get more tanky - it replaces extra spirit - Etheral or Debuff remover depending on enemy comp - T4s are as follows : Cippling for Shred, Veilwalker for Burst, Leech for DPS, spiritual for Chinese new year
you have enough carries and you need more utility/backline disruption - superior duration on satchel - eshift essential for this build - carpet can be grabbed for the stats + shields VERY rarely - but for now it is experimental - T4s are the same as the previous category
This shit is global and isn't bad -
Tirs de couverture
Redingote volante
Mallette de passepasse