Junto a su reticente ayudante, <i>El Magnífico Sinclair</i> confunde a los enemigos con hechizos dirigidos y rayos veloces.
Junto a su reticente ayudante, <i>El Magnífico Sinclair</i> confunde a los enemigos con hechizos dirigidos y rayos veloces.
Read under items for build description
Feel free to message me on discord catgirlnyaa // ask in Ivy's Bodega thread
Meow meow meow meow meow
Typically first to shore up regen issues. Helps your miserable laning.
Just solid damage. Can replace with any other 500 like HPW/CQ
550 => 770 hp for 500 lol
Get this when you need regen any time after resto shot
2+Health Nova = 2 people are full hp
Good for when you want to leave your lane
Helps you jungle faster
If enemy constantly has you back by your tower, this is a good pickup. Also good for diving guardians.
Generally this order. Sell Monster>HVM>Basic
Since you're taking a lot of damage this will tend to be a 1250 +60% damage item. Very good on frontline/tanks
Help out your 3 + health nova + (optional) rescue beam and also gives spirit resist.
With Enduring speed + Heroic Aura, now you can slide from AD Strafe during tether. Sell HVM/Basic if needed
Every team wants one of these and it will go on the frontline. You are the frontline. Also makes you excellent in 1v1. Sell Basic/Resto shot if needed
I recommend this one. 25s 30% health damage and counters the strongest chars right now
This one is also good. Helps you line up 3 stuns because dash distance reduction + turns off pocket/wraith/dynamo/etc. escapes
This one is ok. Mostly for if the one you're trying to kill is a scary Haze or Seven sorta thing.
Very good item but somewhat expensive. Excellent vs Pocket/Yamato
Very good item but somewhat expensive. Good vs Greytalon/Vindicta
Someone mentioned this like this so here it goes
Bullet OR Escalating
Basically a better bullet armor. Especially if you have to sell Extra Health to get it.
Note: You can get escalating resilience and it's just as good.
Even if you get escalating resilience, you'll want this after 1-2 6300s
Recommend Curse/Siphon/Inhibitor/Crippling. The other items here are also very good.
Solid value.
Lots of tankiness. It's alright.
2 + Echo Shard = 100% tether uptime 3 Echo shard = double stun = 5s stun
It's ok
fuck pocket
Fuck pocket
Good mix of survival and damage
Good vs haze/gun yamato
This item is really fucking overloaded for a 1250. I just don't really the spots for it. Hm. Maybe instead of basic mag
Bomba Kudzu
Pacto de la Vigilante
Forma Pétrea
Transporte Aéreo