Cuchilla no tiene ningún interés en jugar limpio, por lo que confía en tácticas de ataque y huida para debilitar a los enemigos antes de lanzarse a matarlos.
Cuchilla no tiene ningún interés en jugar limpio, por lo que confía en tácticas de ataque y huida para debilitar a los enemigos antes de lanzarse a matarlos.
the secret sauce
update 3/10: annotated!
discord: .fridge
get first every single time (unless you dont goto the shop til you have 1250)
insane early, also boosts fire rate of the assistant! replace with better weapon items late game.
excellent item. free spirit shield, spirit power, and damage is perfection. replace with better weapon items lategame
being able to roll around more is so nice, helps with movement a ton
helps with healing early, but tbh not amazing (look below in testing). sell later for slots
on 1. instant reload and more damage on the bolt
usually the first item I get if im dominating the lane (if im playing blue)
zoom + more ammo in a pinch plus HMC
as needed
Sometimes get this earlier actually to fill out the spirit slots
nice lifesteal for ya, especially since assistant has auto aim
instead of armor? falls off hard lategame w/o veil walker but better early
instead of armor? falls off hard lategame w/o veil walker but better early
most important item
second most important item. Dome suckers and just shred them if they're even slightly out of position
in order of what I'm most likely to buy if game goes long/have extra moolah
lowkey better than vampiric burst. insane damage output and half the price
nice way to fill out slots if you dont have both armors, healbane, or debuff remover
Can replace quicksilver reload. insane against bullet-based enemies (haze, wraith, vyper, ivy)
really good against any movement based goober (lash, pocket, dynamo(!!!))
evil item.
insane lifesteal, but usually dont get far enough in a game to even consider
same as leech
Usually get both armors (especially spirit) at least. can get earlier too as needed
against any heal heavy comp its necessary (dynamo, kelvin, shiv, abrams, ivy)
honestly even more essential than the armors/barriers. Helps so much fighting anybody (lash, infernus, pocket, etc)
if you dont get this you lose against bebop 99% of the time (if bomb build)
honestly just okay, but its so fun to use that I like it hehe
getting freaky w/ it. experimenting!
instead of enduring spirit? more health, dmg, and usually dont need lifesteal
seems pretty nutty w/ our build
better long range + less reload time
fast reload is always a bonus, plus the fire rate + lifesteal is super nice since we don't have a ton ton of lifesteal
Rayo Persecutorio
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