La manipulación del tiempo le permite a Paradoja superar a sus enemigos en combates uno contra uno. Su técnica infalible consiste en colocar muros o granadas de pulsaciones a punto de explotar cerca de sus enemigos, o intercambiar posiciones con ellos de manera oportuna.
La manipulación del tiempo le permite a Paradoja superar a sus enemigos en combates uno contra uno. Su técnica infalible consiste en colocar muros o granadas de pulsaciones a punto de explotar cerca de sus enemigos, o intercambiar posiciones con ellos de manera oportuna.
- Updated annotations.
- Laning/Situational/Mid Game/Late Game item changes
- Added Bomb build items below this build (MikaelS has played with these)
Copy of MikaelS' Paradox (Build is based on Twitch vods)
Version: 15 (11.3.25)
Skill point order: 3,3,4,2,2,2,4,4,1,1,1,3 (Rush Wall silence + Swap distance)
Good first item.
Good first item.
Good item overall for Paradox. Buy early against Warden.
If you don't need health regen in lane, buy this item. Fortitude later!
Makes sure you have atleast one orange item to get over 80dmg. Otherwise you have to headshot to get this active.
Buy for the ult range. You can sell this later in late game for Divine Kevlar or something else.
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Really good pick for this meta because there is a lot of camps in jungle.
If you need regen in lane or planning to go return fire.
If your lane is being harrased by abilities then pick this rather than Healing Rite. Good against -> Lady Geist
Good stats for Paradox however nowadays MikaelS prefers extra stamina and other green items over this.
MikaelS prefers Warp Stone + Superior Stamina together rather than this. If you need it against slow downs, go for it.
For Slowing Hex.
Mostly buys this against Kelvin in solo lane. Good pick if you are getting harrased in lane.
Farming jungle is the meta so this isn't a bad pick.
Good pick against fast Fire Rate. Rarely see this being played.
Farming jungle is the meta. This helps you a lot at clearing camps.
Rush Mystic Shot and then others. He also buys combat barrier nowadays!
MikaelS always rushes this item, it helps a lot with jungle.
Sometimes MikaelS buys this before Mystic Shot.
Good stats and cooldown reduction is always good for Paradox.
All your abilities activate this passive.
This item carries Paradox hard. It's the best escape item for only 3000 souls.
MikaelS likes to buy this before Warp Stone. If you want to do more dmg early and push guardians/walkers, pick this before Warp Stone.
Good for mobility, map is quite big to roam.
Pick what is needed
Good against Bebop's combo. Also gives you more range to your ultimate.
Good against 1v1 characters.
Good counter against gun heavy team or Haze carry.
Good against countering movement ablities. (vindicta/talon/infernus/wraith/lash/abrams etc.)
Good against Abrams/Shiv.
If you feel that they just jump on you, this might be a good option to counter it.
Counters characters that have a channel abilities or like to be airborne.
Buy this if enemy team has a heavy carry.
You should rather buy Armor but if you are going Veil walker build then buy Barriers.
It's a 50/50 if MikaelS buys this nowadays.
MikaelS doesn't buy this.
Might be a good buy in lane if you are against Abrams. His charge doesn't have enough stun to get heavy melee if you have this. Overall this item is good against many characters.
Your best anti-heal item if enemy team has more than 2 healers. Otherwise you might wanna buy Decay.
Bebop Remover
Crippling Headshot is good to buy first if you have souls for it.
Great item for roaming and healing yourself without needing to go back to base.
Imbue ultimate (4).
Adds good damage to your carbine.
First 6200 soul item.
MikaleS has bought this in his games.
MikaelS: I would buy Colossus, Inhibitor and Siphon Bullets. (11.3.25)
MikaelS approves :thumbsup:
MikaelS approves :thumbsup:
MikaelS approves :thumbsup:
Healbane -> Leech
MikaelS has played games where he also buys double bomb setup. Rush Echo Shard!
For Double Bomb.
Spirit resist counter.
Bomb gets extra pulse with this.
Imbue Bomb (1).
Imbue bomb (1). Overall you get 7 pulses with this if you have one skill point in bomb.
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More damage to bombs and a lot of movement speed for your carbine.
Good stats for bomb build.
If you don't have anything else to buy or you have to spend money, buy this.
Granada de Pulsaciones
Muro Temporal
Carabina Cinética
Intercambio Paradójico