Hiedra tiene trucos de combate disruptivos que ralentizan y aturden a los enemigos. Es más eficaz cuando se une a un aliado, ya que potencia su arma y la de su compañero, además de compartir curación.
Hiedra tiene trucos de combate disruptivos que ralentizan y aturden a los enemigos. Es más eficaz cuando se une a un aliado, ya que potencia su arma y la de su compañero, además de compartir curación.
This is AndrewChicken's remix of the "Snow Gun Ivy" build by
Walkemdown1378. It has a slightly different item build order and
has been tidied up when it comes to situational items. It also
prioritizes maxing out Kudzu instead of Stone Form so that you
can farm more efficiently, and because spamming Kudzu is
fun! There are also annotations on every item to explain what's
going on!
Basic early game items for gun Ivy.
More ammo is super nice because she runs out fast.
Shoot head, get big damage.
For spamming Kudzu! Useful for farming.
Helps with movement and dodging.
Gives more health and gun damage! Good early survivability.
For upgrading the damage of the Kudzu.
If you're losing lane
If you need a lot of healing in lane. Sell later.
If you want passive healing in lane. Sell later.
For early farming/pushing waves. Sell later.
Build a strong foundation of items so you can farm and kill before getting big late game items.
This pairs with QSR to cut down on reloading in a fight. Ivy reloads a lot!
Best healing item on gun Ivy.
Imbue in Kudzu (1). Empty your clip, then throw Kudzu and do it again!
Great for farming, but it also applies spirit items that we get later!
Anti-healing that is applied via Tesla Bullets
Shoot head, get MEGA damage!
gun go brr
This is imperative for cutting through enemy armor.
Buy this to counter anti-heal. You can skip this if you're not struggling with healing.
Huge damage items here that make Ivy a monster!
This makes gun characters deal less damage to you. Skip if you're not worried about gun damage.
HUGE amount of bonus ammo! Good for bullet hosing enemies. If you're not having problems with uptime, skip and go to 6k items.
Shoot head, get GIGA damage!
Ultra powerful sustain and anti-heal item.
Upgrade Suppressor. If you're not worried about gun characters, can skip.
gun go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Honestly if you get to this item, you should've won the game already. Steal their health, make them suffer!
Get these throughout the match as needed, depending on what you need to counter.
If gun damage is annoying.
If spirit damage is annoying.
If gun damage is REALLY annoying.
If spirit damage is REALLY annoying.
If there are consistent stuns that need reducing, this is great. (i.e. Abrams)
If you have a lot of debuffs that are killing you (i.e. Seven & Bebop) then buy this.
If crowd control is too overwhelming at key moments.
If you need extra movement to get out of tight situations and dodge attacks.
If everything is overwhelming and you just want to wrap up in a blanket and hide from the world buy this item.
Bomba Kudzu
Pacto de la Vigilante
Forma Pétrea
Transporte Aéreo