Seven disfruta metiéndose en escaramuzas y esperando el momento indicado para atacar. Entonces, se lanza a luchar como una tormenta y golpea a sus enemigos con una cascada de relámpagos.
Seven disfruta metiéndose en escaramuzas y esperando el momento indicado para atacar. Entonces, se lanza a luchar como una tormenta y golpea a sus enemigos con una cascada de relámpagos.
i'm the #1 seven in NA so this means my build is the best and there's no corrections to be made yup yup
any questions i am very friendly and prime accepting
buy as you see fit, read annotations
hp regen, damage, simple
get this 1st if you're getting poked by spirit a lot. don't get this if you're bad at staying healthy
insane damage boost, try to use this on enemy not the minions. helps your farm as well
lifesteal + green items are just really good for hp increase
if you have ult, infuser can go crazy. either way it's good. use it to even just sustain
legit best item on the new map, start farming like crazy. also good for burst damage
cd early + the spirit shield is super good in this meta (lots of spirit dmg). pay attention to it regening (hide)
the antiheal is good but especially the heal you get from this is good. again green items op
prefer this over stamina for the move speed. i like kiting as seven + the sprint changes are really nice in the jungle
buy whatever helps you when you need it, read annotations
read this item and tell me this isn't insane with seven's 3. buy this. DON'T UPGRADE IT PLS OTHER ITEMS ARE BETTER
skippable IMO. if you need bullet resist tho go ahead. i buy this if i don't have money and want to fill a slot
bread and butter. makes your 3 hit like a truck. use the movespeed to kite and catch up to people
this item is basically a 5th ability, very good for dodging abilities, catching up to people, running away etc
boosts all your abilities, pretty obvious
more uptime on 3, also helps to have your ult up more
more antiheal, goes crazy with ult, try to buy healing booster with this eventually (not a prio IMO)
gives spirit power but also gives you good defense vs spirit + green items OP
more damage, can skip if you need more defensive items.
if lots of cc, buy this. if not too much cc don't worry too much
boosts all your damage a ton, but again if you're fine on damage buy defense then. this can go into negatives btw
if you survive longer you do more damage so that's the idea behind green items
same as spirit armor. if lots of gun ok buy this
BOOOM big damage to your whole kit yup yup yup
buy this when necessary, or if you can fill a slot and want it
works very well with leech, later in the game more people should have antiheal so makes leech work
upgrade boots when you want
vs calico, shiv, characters with lots of movement abilities
Check Annotations
if somehow nobody is stunning you out of ult, buy this
you can actually ult now vs lash bebop etc. buy this if your ult is a gamechanger in fights
real good vs fire rate characters (haze, infernus, wraith etc) but also just good in general. less fire rate = less dps overall
if you love when the numbers are bright blue buy this
defending base type situation
fun item for more damage but IMO not a huge priority
very good vs infernus pocket shiv any characters with DoTs or debuffs
if you really just hate someone on the enemy team
dont necessarily recommend it but you could have fun with it i guess
Do not rush before Late Game Items
on ult
on ult
on ult
on ult... subscribe to my channel or else
can replace enduring spirit with this if you have money that you wanna spend early
Esfera Eléctrica
Carga Estática
Sobrecarga de energía
Nube de tormenta