Seven disfruta metiéndose en escaramuzas y esperando el momento indicado para atacar. Entonces, se lanza a luchar como una tormenta y golpea a sus enemigos con una cascada de relámpagos.
Seven disfruta metiéndose en escaramuzas y esperando el momento indicado para atacar. Entonces, se lanza a luchar como una tormenta y golpea a sus enemigos con una cascada de relámpagos.
Pocket burst build.
Use leap to engage, warp stone and e-shift to outplay, and coldfront to burst with your kit.
Watch a montage of what the build can do here:
Buy IF you can keep your HP up. You'll mostly buy this. You can swap with Soul Shredder Bullets later.
If you didn't go Hollow Point good for close combat. The upgrade Point Blank gives Bullet Resist so consider rushing it.
Will buy mid game items after grabbing all of these except scav and burst
Buy just as you're getting ult to help with range
Will help to survive lane and provide spirirt power and CDR
Adds a lot off spirit burst to your combo
essential but you can buy anytime you want
i buy this %90 of the time. WILL SELL LATER.
Use for engages and rotating around the map
Use for rotations and outplaying opponents
Allows you to make plays when diving enemy team
First T4. Will usually buy after I buy my active items
Should usually be your 2nd T4 for shields
If no one's buying it for that snowballing enemy.
Buy if against mo, vindicta, abrahms, infernus, haze, etc.
If you went Close Quarters. Gives good bullet resist, you can rush early if against bullet heavy enemy(wraith,haze)
Buy this to replace enduring spirit if super late game
%90 this
Sometimes against bullet heavy
If you need more gun damage and spirit resist
If enemy CC heavy.
If that 0-6 Haze returned to the game after 30minute farming.
Capa voladora
Maletín del hechicero