Dynamo se mantiene a él mismo y a sus aliados sanos mientras espera su turno. Pocas cosas pueden alterar más una pelea en equipo que un buen uso coordinado de Singularidad.
Dynamo se mantiene a él mismo y a sus aliados sanos mientras espera su turno. Pocas cosas pueden alterar más una pelea en equipo que un buen uso coordinado de Singularidad.
https://mobalytics.gg/deadlock/builds/bomb-bebop-averagejonas Recently they nerfed gun damage by 10% so spirit builds are more viable, and I figured out if I buy early Cold Front and Resto Locket I can play super aggressive to get the bomb stacks I need! GOOD LUCK BOMB BROS
Left to right. Aim for 20-40% bomb dmg at 10 minutes. Ult tier 3 camps at 8 minutes. Roam the map ALOT
Sell for Mystic Reverb
Sell if flex slots are needed
Can be sold late game when you need active items
Can be sold late game when you need active items
Sell for Slowing bullets
Hook - Uppercut - Bomb - Echo - Bomb. Aim for 60-80% bomb dmg at 20 mins
Buy in any order
Buy what you need the most! Curse against Immunes. Read item annotations!
Very good at dodging predictable burst damage and skillshots/stuns
Very strong against Haze ult. It also stops you from getting hit by Silencer
For games where you are very far ahead and have lots of bomb stacks, and want to self bomb
Hook-Uppercut-Bomb-Echo-Bomb. Make sure to aim upwards when using uppercut to make it easier. Once they start buying debuff removers, use alternate cast button to put 2 bombs on yourself and Warp Stone/Phantom Strike in
Gancho explosivo
Bomba lapa